Homework will go out each week on Friday. When the homework goes out, you already have all the material you need to do it that day.
Homework will be due each week the following Friday at 12:50 pm sharp. Start right away! You must get the homework in on time because we give out solutions during recitation. There are no late days (not even late minutes). However we will drop your 1 lowest homework score at the end of the class. Please save up your drop for when you're sick or traveling. Homework is graded within a couple days. You can submit a regrade request on Gradescope (including a detailed explanation of why you think you were misgraded) within 2 days of when you get your homework grade.
- Here is an OPTIONAL Latex Template template.tex. You are also free to hand-write your homeworks, provided you can keep your handwriting readable.
- [HW 1: Review of prerequisites] 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 in PnC textbook, plus 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 in this pdf file. Please read the instructions in the pdf file. Due 12:50 pm on 1/17.