I welcome errors/typos. Please report these to
Note: All errors in black below were corrected in the online version of the book found here .
- p. 15, Definition 1.15: The definition should more precisely be written as a limsup rather than a limit, as the limit may not exist. Also, we should write that the limit is finite, rather than writing that it equals a particular constant. An alternative definition of big-O is given in "Introduction to Algorithms" by CLRS where f(n) = O(g(n)) is there exists positive constants, c and n0 such that 0 ≤ f(n) ≤ c ∙ g(n), ∀ n ≥ n0.
- p. 17, Definition 1.17: This should technically be a liminf. An alternative definition of big-Omega is given in "Introduction to Algorithms" by CLRS where f(n) = Omega(g(n)) is there exists positive constants, c and n0 such that f(n) ≥ c ∙ g(n) ≥ 0, ∀ n ≥ n0.
- p. 55, Exercise 3.5: Definition 3.3 --> Definition 3.5
- p. 73, Theorem 4.22: state space --> sample space
- p. 114, Exercise 5.33: role --> roll
- p. 117, polynomial in z --> power series in z
- p. 119, Theorem 6.6: X is integer-valued, so i is an integer
- p. 128, Exercise 6.8: Observe that W can be negative, but Defn 6.2 can nonetheless be applied.
- p. 130, Exercise 6.11: Replace S with Y
- p. 145, missing dx: missing dx in integral just above Example 7.16.
- p. 228, Exercise 12.16(b): Should say "born in the U.S." not "both in the U.S."
- p. 236, last line Last line should say multiply X by -1 with probability 0.5.
- p. 272, 2nd line after Hence X_1 = x_1 should be X_i = x_i
- p. 290, density function for P The density f_P(p) should be 3(1-p)^2. This affects the figures and 2 spots on p. 291, but does not affect the final answer.
- p. 292, minor typos Normal(0, \sigma_N) should say Normal(0, \sigma_N^2). Nicer to write f_N(x-\theta) rather than f_N(\theta-x), though they're equivalent.
- p. 294, 5th line in Answer "received signal x" should say received data x."
- p. 295, last line t^{10} should be p^{10}.
- p. 297, bottom near FTC reference the "dt" should be removed.
- p. 304, Exercise 17.8 The N in the hint should be a Y.
- p. 371, middle of page ith largest element should be ith smallest
- p. 389, Definition 22.6 "of" should be "or".