@inproceedings{moore2020human, title={A Human-Centered Approach to Data Driven Iterative Course Improvement}, author={Moore, Steven and Stamper, John and Bier, Norman and Blink, Mary Jean}, booktitle={International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation}, pages={742--761}, year={2020}, organization={Springer}, url = {papers/REV2020_HumanCentered.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2021utilizing, title = {Utilizing Crowdsourcing and Topic Modeling to Generate Knowledge Components for Math and Writing Problems}, author = {Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A and Stamper, John}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education}, url = {http://cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/ICCE2021_UtilizingCrowdsourcing.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2020crowdsourcing2, title = {Crowdsourcing the Identification of Knowledge Component}, author = {Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A and Stamper, John}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh (2020) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale}, organization={ACM}, url={http://cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/LS2020_CrowdsourcingIdentification.pdf}, pages = {398--410} } @inproceedings{moore2020crowdsourcing1, author = {Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A and Stamper, John}, title = {Crowdsourcing Explanations for Improving Assessment Content and Identifying Knowledge Components}, year={2020}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences}, publisher={International Society of the Learning Sciences}, url={http://cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/ICLS2020_CrowdsourcingExplanations.pdf}, pages={2627--2628} } @inproceedings{moore2020evaluating, title = {Evaluating Crowdsourcing and Topic Modeling in Generating Knowledge Components from Explanations}, author = {Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A and Stamper, John}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {http://cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/AIED2020_EvaluatingCrowdsourcing.pdf}, pages = {398--410} } @inproceedings{nguyen2020moving, title={Moving beyond Test Scores: Analyzing the Effectiveness of a Digital Learning Game through Learning Analytics}, year={2020}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, author={Nguyen, Huy A and Hou, Xinying and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M}, url={http://cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/EDM2020_MovingBeyond.pdf}, pages={487--495} } @inproceedings{nguyen2020improving, title = {Improving Students’ Problem-solving Flexibility in Nonroutine Mathematics}, author = {Nguyen, Huy A and Guo, Yuqing and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {http://cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/AIED2020_ImprovingStudents.pdf}, pages = {409--413} } @inproceedings{diana2020towards, title={Towards Value-Adaptive Instruction: A Data-Driven Method for Addressing Bias in Argument Evaluation Tasks}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Stamper, John and Koedinger, Ken}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, pages={1--11}, year={2020}, url = {http://nickdiana.com/documents/CHI2020_preprint.pdf} } @phdthesis{diana2019value, title={Value-Adaptive Instruction: Improving the Productivity of Civil Discourse and Addressing Bias}, author={Diana, Nicholas}, year={2020}, organization={Human-Computer Interaction Institute}, school={Carnegie Mellon University}, type={Thesis}, url={http://nickdiana.com/documents/Thesis.pdf} } @article{liu2019learning, title={Learning linkages: Integrating data streams of multiple modalities and timescales}, author={Liu, Ran and Stamper, John and Davenport, Jodi and Crossley, Scott and McNamara, Danielle and Nzinga, Kalonji and Sherin, Bruce}, journal={Journal of Computer Assisted Learning}, volume={35}, number={1}, pages={99--109}, year={2019}, publisher={Wiley Online Library}, url={https://dev.stamper.org/publications/JCAL19_Liu.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2019decision, title={Decision support for an adversarial game environment using automatic hint generation}, author={Moore, Steven and Stamper, John}, booktitle={International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems}, pages={82--88}, year={2019}, organization={Springer}, url={https://dev.stamper.org/publications/ITS2019_Moore_and_Stamper.pdf} } @inproceedings{diana2019online, title={Online Assessment of Belief Biases and Their Impact on the Acceptance of Fallacious Reasoning}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Stamper, John and Koedinger, Kenneth}, booktitle={International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={62--66}, year={2019}, organization={Springer}, url={https://dev.stamper.org/publications/AIED2019_Diana_et_al.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2019using, title={Using Knowledge Component Modeling to Increase Domain Understanding in a Digital Learning Game}, year={2019}, booktitle={International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, author={Nguyen, Huy and Wang, Yeyu and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M}, pages={139--148}, url={http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/EDM2019_UsingKnowledge.pdf} } @inproceedings{wang2019learning, title={How Does Order of Gameplay Impact Learning and Enjoyment in a Digital Learning Game?}, author={Wang, Yeyu and Nguyen, Huy and Harpstead, Erik and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M}, year={2019}, organization={Springer}, booktitle={International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={518--531}, url={http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~hn1/papers/AIED2019_HowDoes.pdf} } @inproceedings{stamper2019tigris, title={Tigris: An Online Workflow Tool for Sharing Educational Data and Analytic Methods}, author={Stamper, John and Carvalho, Paulo and Moore, Steven and Koedinger, Kenneth}, year={2019}, booktitle={Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge}, pages={183}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/LAK19_companion_Stamper_et_al.pdf} } @inproceedings{gadgil2019how, title={How does Performance in an Online Primer Predict Achievement in a Future Computer Science Course?}, author={Soniya, Gadgil and Moore, Steven and Stamper, John}, year={2019}, booktitle={Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge}, pages={300--306}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/LAK19_companion_Gadgil_et_al.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2019human-centered, title={Human-Centered Data Science for Educational Technology Improvement using Crowd Workers}, author={Moore, Steven and Stamper, John and Soniya, Gadgil}, year={2019}, booktitle={Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge}, pages={341-347}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/LAK19_companion_Moore_et_al.pdf} } @article{liu2018novel, title={A Novel Method for the In-Depth Multimodal Analysis of Student Learning Trajectories in Intelligent Tutoring Systems}, author={Liu, Ran and Stamper, John C and Davenport, Jodi}, journal={Journal of Learning Analytics}, volume={5}, number={1}, pages={41--54}, year={2018}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/JLA_Liu_Stamper_Davenport.pdf} } @inproceedings{eagle2018predicting, title={Predicting Individualized Learner Models across Tutor Lessons}, author={Eagle, Michael and Corbett, Albert and Stamper, John and Mclaren, Bruce}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, year={2018}, publisher={ERIC}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/EDM2018_Eagleetal.pdf}, pages={474--478} } @inproceedings{diana2018instructional, title={An instructional factors analysis of an online logical fallacy tutoring system}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Stamper, John and Koedinger, Ken}, booktitle={International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={86--97}, year={2018}, organization={Springer}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/AIED2018_Diana_Stamper_Koedinger.pdf} } @inproceedings{diana2018data, title={Data-driven generation of rubric criteria from an educational programming environment}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Eagle, Michael and Stamper, John and Grover, Shuchi and Bienkowski, Marie and Basu, Satabdi}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge}, pages={16--20}, year={2018}, organization={ACM}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/LAK2018_Dianaetal.pdf} } @inproceedings{diana2018peer, title={Peer Tutor Matching for Introductory Programming: Data-Driven Methods to Enable New Opportunities for Help}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Eagle, Michael and Stamper, John and Grover, Shuchi and Bienkowski, Marie and Basu, Satabdi}, year={2018}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences}, pages={1377--1378}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/ICLS2018_Diana_et_al.pdf} } @article{grover2017framework, title={A framework for using hypothesis-driven approaches to support data-driven learning analytics in measuring computational thinking in block-based programming environments}, author={Grover, Shuchi and Basu, Satabdi and Bienkowski, Marie and Eagle, Michael and Diana, Nicholas and Stamper, John}, journal={ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE)}, volume={17}, number={3}, pages={14}, year={2017}, publisher={ACM}, url={http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3105910} } @inproceedings{diana2017instructor, title={An instructor dashboard for real-time analytics in interactive programming assignments}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Eagle, Michael and Stamper, John and Grover, Shuchi and Bienkowski, Marie and Basu, Satabdi}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics \& Knowledge Conference}, pages={272--279}, year={2017}, organization={ACM}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/LAK2017_Dianaetal.pdf} } @inproceedings{grover2017framework, title={A framework for hypothesis-driven approaches to support data-driven learning analytics in measuring computational thinking in block-based programming}, author={Grover, Shuchi and Bienkowski, Marie and Basu, Satabdi and Eagle, Michael and Diana, Nicholas and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics \& Knowledge Conference}, pages={530--531}, year={2017}, organization={ACM}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/LAK2017_Grover_et_al.pdf} } @inproceedings{diana2017teaching, title={Teaching Informal Logical Fallacy Identification with a Cognitive Tutor}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Eagle, Michael and Stamper, John and Koedinger, Kenneth R}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={605--608}, year={2017}, organization={Springer}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/AIED2017_Diana_et_al.pdf} } @inproceedings{diana2017data, title={Data-driven generation of rubric parameters from an educational programming environment}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Eagle, Michael and Stamper, John and Grover, Shuchi and Bienkowski, Marie and Basu, Satabdi}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={490--493}, year={2017}, organization={Springer}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/AIED2017_Diana_et_al_Data.pdf} } @inproceedings{diana2017automatic, title={Automatic Peer Tutor Matching: Data-Driven Methods to Enable New Opportunities for Help.}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Eagle, Michael and Stamper, John C and Grover, Shuchi and Bienkowski, Marie A and Basu, Satabdi}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, year={2017}, pages={433--435}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/EDM2017_Dianaetal.pdf} } @inproceedings{liu2017multimodal, title={Multimodal Data Collection and Analysis of Collaborative Learning through an Intelligent Tutoring System}, author={Liu, Ran and Stamper, John C}, booktitle={MMLA-CrossLAK}, pages={47--52}, year={2017}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/LAKMMLA_Liu_Stamper.pdf} } @inproceedings{liu2016beyond, title={Beyond Log Files: Using Multi-Modal Data Streams towards Data-Driven KC Model Improvement}, author={Liu, Ran and Davenport, Jodi and Stamper, John}, year={2016}, publisher={ERIC}, pages={436--441}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/EDM2016_Liu_et_al.pdf} } @inproceedings{diana2016extracting, title={Extracting Measures of Active Learning and Student Self-Regulated Learning Strategies from MOOC Data.}, author={Diana, Nicholas and Eagle, Michael and Stamper, John C and Koedinger, Kenneth R}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, pages={583--584}, year={2016}, organization={ERIC}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/EDM2016_Diana_et_al.pdf} } @inproceedings{eagle2016predicting, title={Predicting individual differences for learner modeling in intelligent tutors from previous learner activities}, author={Eagle, Michael and Corbett, Albert and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M and Baker, Ryan and Wagner, Angela and MacLaren, Benjamin and Mitchell, Aaron}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization}, pages={55--63}, year={2016}, organization={ACM}, url={http://dev.stamper.org/publications/UMAP2016_Eagle_et_al.pdf} }