Eduard Hovy
Invited Presentations
Invited presentations at
conferences and meetings
Panelist (topic: Accounting in the Age of AI).
18th Annual Accounting Mini-Conference, Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of
Business (Pittsburgh, PA, August 2018)
Keynote talk .
10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART).
(Funchal de Madeira, Portugal, January 2018)
Panelist (topic: Responsibility of AI).
10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART)
(Funchal de Madeira, Portugal, January 2018)
Panelist (topic: Leadership). University of Heidelberg graduate seminar.
(Heidelberg, Germany, October 2017)
Panelist (topic: Industry/Academia Panel on State of the Art Analytics).
Northrop Grumman Workshop on Analytics for Business Applications.
(Los Angeles, CA, August 2017)
Panelist (Topic: Artificial Intelligence). Huawei Strategy and Technology Workshop.
(Shenzhen, China, May 2017)
Panel chair (topic: Where Next?). TAC Workshop at NIST.
(Gaithersburg, MD, November 2016)
Keynote talk,
Computing News Story Workshop at the EMNLP conference.
(Austin, TX, November 2016)
Keynote talk,
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems
(Beijing, China, August 2016)
Keynote talk,
2nd Spinoza Workshop: Looking at the Long Tail.
(Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2016)
Keynote talk, Tenth Workshop on Graph-based
Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-10), at the HLT-NAACL
(San Diego, CA, June 2016)
Invited debater (topic: Trusting human or automated analysis: A debate between Dan
Roth and Eduard Hovy), Fourth
Workshop on Events, at the HLT-NAACL conference, at the HLT-NAACL conference.
(San Diego, CA, June 2016)
Keynote talk, Enterprise Innovation Workshop on Cognitive Computing. Thomson Reuters
(Eagan, MN, April 2016)
Keynote talk, Third IKDD Conference on
Data Science (CoDS).
(Pune, India, March 2016)
Keynote speaker, Symposium Afscheid Jaap van den Herik.
(University of Tilburg, The Netherlands, January 2016)
Keynote talk, Third
International Symposium on Semantic Web Information Systems (IS-SWIS 2015).
(Rotterdam, The Netherlands, November 2015)
Panelist, concluding panel in Workshop
on Semantics-Driven Statistical Machine Translation: Theory and Practice (S2MT)
at the ACL conference (Beijing, China, July 2015)
Keynote talk, First Conferenza di Linguistica
Computazionale Italiana CLiC-it (Pisa, Italy, December 2014)
Keynote talk, International Conference
on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing NLPCC (Shenzhen, China,
December 2014)
Invited lecturer, Summer Training Workshop on
Advances in Machine Learning for Social Media Analysis MLSMA (Wroclaw, Poland,
September 2014)
Keynote talk, Workshop
on Computational, Cognitive, and Linguistic Approaches to the Analysis of Complex Words
and Collocations at the ESSLLI European Summer School in Logic, Language and
Information (Tübingen, Germany, August 2014)
Invited talk, Workshop on
Semantic matching in Information Retrieval at the SIGIR conference (Gold Coast,
Australia, July 2014)
Invited short talk, Workshop on Language Technology Service Platforms: Synergies,
Standards, Sharing, at the LREC conference (Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2014)
Panelist, Workshop on Continuous Vector Spaces and Compositionality at the ACL
conference (Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2013)
Invited speaker, H. de Waard Lecture Series, University of Groningen
(Groningen, The Netherlands, March 2013)
Panel co-chair, Beyond the PDF-2 workshop
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2013)
Invited talk, Elsevier Labs Online Lecture (Videoconference, February 2013)
Keynote speaker, Human Language Technology /
North American ACL conference (HLT-NAACL) (Montreal, Canada, June 2012)
Panelist, Microsoft Faculty Summit. Microsoft (Redmond, WA, July 2012)
Invited speaker, Workshop on Automated
Knowledge Base Construction at the HLT-NAACL conference (Montreal, Canada, June 2012)
Keynote speaker, 25th Canadian Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2012) (Toronto, Canada, May 2012)
Three lectures in
Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series of the Academia Sinica (Nankang, Taiwan,
March 2012)
Keynote speaker, 10th International
Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT) (Heidelberg, Germany, January
Keynote speaker, Workshop on Sentiment Analysis:
Where AI meets Psychology at the IJCNLP conference (Chiang Mai, Thailand,
November 2011)
Keynote speaker, 8th
Brazilian Symposium on Information and Human Language Technology (STIL) (Cuiabá,
Brazil, October 2011)
Invited speaker, Fifth IEEE International
Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) (Stanford University, Palto Alto, CA,
September 2011)
Invited speaker, Symposium on
Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing at the ICML conference
(Bellevue, WA, June 2011)
Keynote speaker,
International Conference on Dialogue (Moscow, Russia, May 2011)
Keynote speaker, International
Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011) (Oxford, UK, January 2011)
Keynote speaker, Workshop on Corpus-Based
Approaches to Paraphrasing and Nominalization (Barcelona, Spain, December 2010)
Keynote speaker, Tenth conference Konferenz zur
Verarbeitung Natürliche Sprache (KONVENS) (Saarbrücken, Germany, September 2010)
Keynote speaker, Workshop on Negation
and Speculation in Natural Language Processing, before the conference of the
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010)
Panelist, RING debate at the COLING conference
(Beijing, China, August 2010)
Panelist, Panel on NLP and Linguistics, in the Workshop on NLP and Linguistics
Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (Uppsala, Sweden,
July 2010)
Invited speaker, Symposium on Generic NLP versus Domain-specific Text Mining (Tilburg
University, Netherlands, June 2010)
Keynote speaker, Second Workshop on Text and
Data Mining of Health Documents (Louhi 10) at the conference on Human Language
Technology HLT-NAACL (Los Angeles, CA, June 2010)
Keynote speaker,
Semantic Authoring Annotation and Knowledge Management (SAAKM) at the conference
on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP) (Redondo Beach, CA, September 2009)
Invited speaker, 14th International Conference on
Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB-09) (Saarbrücken,
Germany, June 2009)
Panelist, 50th anniversary of the French
Computational Linguistics Association (ATALA) (Paris, France, June 2009)
Invited speaker, 3rd Symposium
on Innovations of Machine Translation Technologies (IMTT-2009) (Tokyo, Japan,
March 2009)
Panelist, International Multi-Conference on
Advanced Intelligence (ICAI) (Beijing, China, October 2008)
Invited in Distinguished Speaker series, Department of Computer Science, University
of Pittsburgh, PA (September 2008)
Keynote speaker, Second IEEE International
Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) (Santa Clara, CA, August 2008)
Invited speaker and panel leader,
Global E-Gov
Symposium at Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Hawaii,
January 2008)
Keynote speaker, Seventh International
Symposium on Natural Language Processing (SNLP) (Pattaya, Thailand, December 2007)
Invited speaker, Workshop on Dynamic Searches and Knowledge Building, at Institute
of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA (Los Angeles, CA, October 2007)
Keynote speaker, IEEE Conference on Natural
Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE) (Beijing, China, August
Keynote speaker, SEMEVAL workshop,
at the conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (Prague,
Czech Republic, July 2007)
Panel chair (two panels) on International Development of Digital Government,
8th Conference on Digital Government
Research (dg.o 2007) (Philadelphia, PA, May 2008)
Invited speaker, conference on eGovernment, organized by the State Information
Center of the Chinese Government (Beijing, China. April 2007)
Keynote speaker, Symposium on Innovations
in Machine Translation Technologies (Tokyo, Japan, March 2007)
Invited speaker, Advanced NLP
and Text Mining Forum (Tokyo, Japan, March 2007)
Invited speaker, International Conference on
Linguistics in Korea (Seoul, Korea. January 2007)
Keynote speaker, 9th International
Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue (TSD-06) (Brno, Czech Republic,
September 2006)
Keynote speaker, 3rd European Semantic Web
Conference (ESWC) (Budva, Montenegro, June 2006)
Keynote speaker, 5th Language Resources
and Evaluation conference (LREC 2006) (Genoa, Italy, May 2006)
Keynote speaker,
Workshop on Annotation Science at the Fifth Language Resources and Evaluation
conference (LREC 2006) (Genoa, Italy, May 2006)
Invited speaker, Computer Science Distinguished Speaker Series, University of
Rochester (Rochester, NY, April 2006)
Keynote speaker, 7th International Conference
on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing) (Mexico
City, Mexico, February 2006)
Keynote speaker, Annual Meeting of
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN) (Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
December 2005)
Invited speaker, Symposium of the National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology (NICT) (Tokyo, Japan. November 2005)
Keynote speaker, IEEE
International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering
(NLP-KE) (Wuhan, China, October 2005)
Panelist (one of 4 representing North America), Panel on collaboration between
NSF and EU-ICT eGovernment programs,
eChallenges Conference (Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2005)
Keynote speaker, Second Asia
Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS) (Jeju Island, Korea, October 2005)
Keynote speaker, Pacific-Asia
Conference on Computational Linguistics (PACLING) (Tokyo, Japan, August 2005)
Keynote speaker, 13th
International Conference on Conceptual Structures: Common Semantics for Sharing
Knowledge (ICCS) (Kassel, Germany, July 2005)
Invited speaker, Symposium at the National Infrastructure for Community Statistics
(NICS) Community of Practice (Brookings Institute (Washington, DC, June 2005)
Keynote speaker, Conference on Theories of Natural
Language Processing (TALN) (Dourdan, France, June 2005)
Keynote speaker, Workshop on the
Creation of Large Ontology-Based Resources by the MEANING project (Trento, Italy,
February 2005)
Panelist, panel on Working with Government Partners at the
NSF Workshop on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Informatics (Evergreen, WA, December 2004)
Keynote speaker, AAAI Fall
Symposium on Style and Meaning in Language, Art, and Music (Washington, DC,
November 2004)
Keynote speaker. NSF Principal
Investigator meeting for the program on Information and Data Management (IDM)
(Boston, MA, October 2004)
Discussion leader, Panel on Roadmap for Computational Linguistics at the
International Computational
Linguistics conference (COLING) (Geneva, Switzerland, August 2004)
Panelist, Panel on Toward a Theory of Annotation, in the
Workshop on Text Meaning
at the ACL conference (Barcelona, Spain, July 2004)
Panel chair, Panel on Looking at the Past, in the
Workshop on Text Summarization: Branching Out at the ACL conference (Barcelona,
Spain, July 2004)
Panelist, Panel on Looking toward the Future: Where Next?, in the
Workshop on Text Summarization: Branching Out at the ACL conference (Barcelona,
Spain, July 2004)
Keynote speaker, Asian
Symposium on Natural Language Processing to Overcome Language Barriers at the
International Joint Conference of Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP) (Hainan Island,
China, March 2004)
Invited talk (became keynote speaker when keynoter cancelled), Toward the Automated
Construction of Semantic Resources in the
International Conference on Natural
Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE) (Beijing, China, October
Panelist, Concluding panel on NLP Standards and the Olympic Games at the
International Conference on Natural
Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE) (Beijing, China, October
Invited talk, Toward Semantic Information Integration at the
Workshop on Information Integration at the
Second International Semantic Web Conference, (Sanibel Island, FL, October 2003)
Panelist, Concluding panel at the Workshop
on Information Integration at the Second International Semantic Web Conference
(Sanibel Island, F, October 2003)
Panelist, panel on Have We Found the Holy Grail? at the
International Machine Translation Summit
(New Orleans, LA, September 2003)
Panelist, panel on IT for eRulemaking at the
NSF’s national Digital Government conference (dg.o 2003) (Boston, MA, May 2003)
Panelist, panel on Data Integration and the EPA at the
NSF’s national Digital Government conference
(dg.o 2003) (Boston, MA, May 2003)
Panelist, AAAI Spring Symposium on Question Answering (Stanford University, Palo Alto,
CA, March 2003)
Invited talk, Natural Language Processing for Metadata Definitions and Descriptions
in the Terminology and Ontologies Track at the Open Forum on Metadata Registries
(Santa Fe, NM, January 2003)
Invited talk, Using an Ontology as Generalized Metadata Schema for Access to
Distributed Heterogeneous Data Sources, in the Statistics Track at the Open Forum on
Metadata Registries (Santa Fe, NM, January 2003)
Panel chair, panel on IT at the NSF Workshop on E-Rulemaking at the Kennedy School of
Government (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, January 2003)
Keynote speaker, Annual Meeting of the JEITA Society (Tokyo, Japan, October 2002)
Panel chair, panel on commercial applications of research on MT at the AMTA-02
conference (Tiburon, CA, October 2002)
Invited presentation, Workshop on Language Models for NLP (University of Massachusetts
at Amherst, Amherst, MA, September 2002)
Panelist (concluding panel of conference, on the Semantic Web) at the COLING-02
conference (Taipei, Taiwan, September 2002)
Keynote speaker, Workshop on Building and Using Semantic Networks at the COLING-02
conference (Taipei, Taiwan, September 2002)
Keynote speaker, Workshop on Question Answering and Summarization at the COLING-02
conference (Taipei, Taiwan, September 2002)
Invited presentation, Workshop on Roadmap for Computational Linguistics at the
COLING-02 conference (Taipei, Taiwan, September 2002)
Keynote speaker, seventh Pacific-Rim International Conference on AI (PRICAI)
(Tokyo, Japan, August 2002)
Opening presentation, inauguration of Human Language Technology Research Center
at the University of Texas in Dallas (Dallas, TX, March 2002)
Keynote address, SIGIR Conference (New Orleans, LA, September 2001)
Keynote address, Conference on Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP) (Tsigov Chark, Bulgaria,
September 2001)
Opening talk, First Document Understanding Conference (DUC) (New Orleans, LA,
September 2001)
Panelist, panel on Machine Translation Evaluation at the Machine Translation Summit
VIII (Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2001)
Panelis, panel on Where do We Stand in Machine Translation? at the Machine
Translation Summit VII (Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2001)
Invited lecture broadcast on Educational TV of Mexico, from Universidad Nacional
Autonomade Mexico (UNAM) (Mexico City, DF, May 2001)
Leader of Special Interest breakout session (theme: Statistical Language Generation)
at the IMPACTS workshop on Natural Language Generation (Castle Dagstuhl, Germany,
July 2000)
Panel moderator, panel on Local Digital Government at the First NSF Digital Government
Workshop (Los Angeles, CA, May 2000)
Keynote address, TAO Workshop for Communication, Broadcasting, and Information
Technologies for the Elderly and Handicapped (Tokyo, Japan, November 1999)
Panelist, panel on Machine Translation Research and Development Worldwide at the
Machine Translation Summit VII (Singapore, September 1999)
Panelist, panel on Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems at the Machine Translation
Summit VII (Singapore, September 1999)
Panel moderator, panel on A Seal of Approval for MT Systems at the 3rd Conference of
the Association of Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) (Philadelphia, PA,
October 1998)
Keynote address, Workshop of the LA Chapter of the Association of the Society of
Information Science (LACASIS) (Los Angeles, CA, September 1998)
Panel moderator, Workshop on Linguistic Coreference at the 1st International
Conference on Language Resources (LREC) (Granada, Spain, May 1998)
Panelist, panel on New Methods of Distributing Resources at the Workshop on
Distributing and Accessing Linguistic Resources at the 1st International
Conference on Language Resources (LREC) (Granada, Spain, May 1998)
Panelist, panel on applications of Artificial Intelligence techniques in digital
libraries at the IEEE conference on Advances in Digital Libraries (ADL'98) (Santa
Barbara, CA, April 1998)
Panel moderator, panel on Evaluation of Summarization Systems at the AAAI Spring
Symposium on Text Summarization (Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, March 1998)
Invited speaker, 6th International Machine Translation Summit (San Diego, CA,
October 1997)
Invited speaker, Workshop on Terminology Issues in Data and Knowledge Sharing at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Gaithersburg, MD, July 1997)
Keynote speaker, Workshop on Ontologies at the Conference of the Association of
Computational Linguistics (ACL) and European Association (EACL) (Madrid, Spain, July
Plenary speaker, 3rd International Workshop on Human Interface Technology (IWHIT'97)
(University of Aizu (Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, March 1997)
Invited speaker, Annual JEIDA meeting (Tokyo, November 1996)
Invited speaker, 2nd Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
Americas (AMTA) (Montreal, Canada, October 1996)
Panel moderator, panel on Do Automated Techniques Deliver? Optimists vs Skeptics) at
the 2nd Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA)
(Montreal, Canada, October 1996)
Invited international participant, Workshop/Meetings on Natural Language Generation,
sponsored by the German and Chinese Governments (Shanghai and Beijing, China, May 1996)
Panelist at concluding panel, IJCAI workshop on Basic Ontological Issues in Knowledge
Sharing (Montreal, Canada, August 1995)
Concluding speaker for workshop summary, IJCAI workshop on Multimedia Information
Retrieval (Montreal, Canada, August 1995)
Keynote address, Workshop on Discourse Markers (Egmond-aan-Zee, The Netherlands,
January 1995)
Panel moderator, panel on Hybridization of MT Research Systems at the ARPA Machine
Translation Evaluation workshop (Washington, DC, November 1994)
Panel moderator, panel on Is MT Research Any Good? at the 1st Conference of the
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) (Columbia, MD, October 1994)
Panelist, panel on Evaluation at the 7th International Workshop on Language Generation
(INLGW) (Kennebunkport, ME, June 1994)
Invited presentation at the Japan-US Workshop on Machine-Aided Translation, convened
by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Washington, DC, December 1993)
Panelist, panel on Empirical and Computational Applications of Discourse Structure
Theory at the Conference of the International Communication Association (Washington,
DC, May 1993)
Tutorial on Machine Translation at the ARPA Human Language Technology Conference
(Princeton, NJ, March 1993)
Panelist on three panels at the Workshop on Machine Translation Evaluation (San
Diego, CA, November 1992)
Invited presentation, 8th Oxford English Dictionary and Text Research Workshop
(Waterloo, Canada, October 1992)
Invited presentation and concluding summary, Workshop on EES and KADS, at the
GMD-St. Augustin (Bonn, Germany, May 1992)
Invited addressee, 1st Joint Soviet-Western Workshop on Text Generation (Borjomi,
Soviet Republic of Georgia, September 1991)
Keynote address, 3rd European Generation Workshop (ENLGW) (Judenstein, Austria,
March 1991)
Panelist, panel on Specification of Generator Inputs at the 3rd European Workshop on
Language Generation (ENLGW) (Judenstein, Austria, March 1991)
Panelist, panel on Knowledge Representation Standards at the 7th IEEE Conference on
AI Applications (CAIA-91) (Miami, FL, February 1991)
Panelist, panel on Dynamic Documentation and Explanation of Software at the 5th
Conference on Knowledge-Based Specification (Syracuse, NY, September 1990)
Interviews and popular press
2011: Interviews (video clips and national television), commenting on IBM’s Watson
system that beat champions of the television QA show Jeopardy. See
video clips
Wednesday, June 6, 2006. Article on NL Group research project about chat room
conversation analysis. Appears in
SpittingImage, and
New Scientist Tech
Saturday, May 27, 2006. Interview titled Hovy: Internet? Deve diventare più
intelligente in Il Secolo XIX, on occasion of the LREC 2006 conference in
Genoa, Italy (in Italian)
Sunday, June 23, 2002. Quoted in article on Machine Translation in San Jose Mercury
December 8, 1999. Live chat room question-and-answer session, 45 minutes, on
CNN Forum: The Next Millennium
November/December, 1999. Website interview on
CNN Forum 2000
November 9, 1999. Radio interview, 20 minutes morning talk show, WBAL Baltimore
August 1999; August 1998: Online interview with Marie Lebert in series
surveys and interviews
December 1998 issue, quoted and referenced in
article on Machine
Translation in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine
Late 1998. Radio interview, 6 minutes morning talk show, New Hampshire
| Education
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Professional Activities
| Invited Presentations
| Teaching and Advising