We have developed ACCEPT, a prototype certifier for programs whose properties can be expressed as LTL formulas which do not use the next-operator. ACCEPT produces certificates for assembly programs; but it also assumes access to the higher level language source code as well. Several novel aspects of ACCEPT are: 1) the certifier produces a predicate abstraction which is used as a certificate; 2) the abstraction is valid for the source level program and the compiler maintains this validity for the assembly level program; 3) an index-typed assembly language SDTAL is adopted to encode the certificate; and 4) the abstraction is validated by type-checking the SDTAL program. This paper focuses on the representation of a predicate abstraction as type annotations on the assembly level program. The soundness of SDTAL's type system guarantees the soundness of the abstraction validation. We also report on our initial experience with ACCEPT.
Iliano Cervesato | iliano@itd.nrl.navy.mil |