The Windows 2000/NT Operating System
Windows 2000 is built on the older, more well known Windows NT Operating system (OS). Both are a 32 bit, multitasking OS. Version 1.0 of Windows NT was released in 1994. Its initial size was 6 millions lines of code, which cost Microsoft $150 million. Windows 2000 (the successor to Windows NT) is estimated to contains 50 million lines of code.
Windows Terminology
Here are a few important terms that you must know to be able to understand the rest of the information on this page.
The entire screen, which contains the Task Bar, Icons, and Windows.Task Bar
The horizontal bar that appears at the bottom of the Destktop. It always contains the Start Button and buttons for any minimized applications.Start Button
The button that appears on the left of the Task Bar.
Pictures with names underneath: e.g., My Computer which is typically in the upper left hand corner of the Screen. Icons represent applications (that you can run) files (data for applications that you can run) or Folders (repositories for files that you can examine) by Double Clicking.
Right Clicking
Pressing and quickly releasing the right mouse button.
Double Clicking
Clicking twice, in rapid succession. Typically refers to the
button. This takes a bit of practice for beginners.
Pressing the mouse button and moving the mouse while the button is
Manila folder Icons. Folders organize data: applicatons, files
and [sub]folders. Double Clicking a folder shows its contents (the
applications, files, and subfolders that it contains).
A Window shows a running application and the data it is working on.
Clicking an application or a file (connected to an application) starts
the application (working on the data in the file), creating a window.
Window Control
A control on the top right part of a Window that affects its
If a window is minimized, click it on the task bar and it will open
and move to the desktop. When a window on the desktop is maximized, it
fills the entire screen; when such a screen-filling window is midimized,
it returns to its original desktop size.
If a window is minimized, click it on the Dock and it will open
and move to the Desktop. When a window on the Desktop is
maximized, it fills the entire screen; when such a screen-filling window
is midimized, it returns to its original Desktop size.
A application running in a Window that is used to explore/manipulate
files and folders. The easiest way to start an Explorer is by Right
Clicking the Start button and then Clicking Explore.
Context Menu
Right Clicking on Windows, buttons, or Icons brings
up a small window containing a list of operations; the user can select
which operation (from the list) to perform by clicking it.
Miscellaneous Operations
Renaming Folders and Files
To rename a folder or file (if it is a file with an extension, the extension should remain the same: you will be warned if you accidentally change it);The folder or file should now have the name that you typed.
- Right Click the folder or file.
- In its context menu, click the Rename option.
- Type the new name (and the same extension) in the highlighted blue box.
Enabling Scrolling in the Java Console
Java programs often input/output text in the console window. If scrolling is enabled on these windows, you can look at all the text printed. On some Windows operating systems (e.g., Windows 2000), this is the default (300 lines); on others (e.g., Windows NT) you must follow the instructions below. To allow [more] scrolling in this window, so that you can see a [longer] history of all your program's input/output, perform the following steps (you may have to perform these steps each time that you log on):Viewing File ExtensionsThe console window should now be scrollable (you should see the scrolling tab along the right border of the window)
- Right Click in the header (on the top of the frame) of the Console Window.
- Click Properties.
- Select the Layout tab.
- In the Screen Buffer Size section, type 1000 (or an even bigger number) into the Height text field.
- Click OK.
- On the Apply Properties window, check the bullet marked Save properties for future windows with same title.
- Click OK.
File extensions are the the part of the file name after the period (e.g., the mcp in project.mcp or the java in It is often very useful to be able to see both file names and extensions. On some Windows operating systems (e.g., 2000), this is the default; on others (e.g., NT) you must follow the instructions below.You should now be able to see the extensions of all files.
- Open an Exlorer window.
- Select View | Options...
- Click the View tab, if it is not already visible.
- Ensure the box labeled Hide file extensions for known types is NOT checked (click it if it is checked to toggle it to unchecked).
- Click OK
Using Windows Machines in Campus Clusters
Logging On
The following instructions are for logging onto any machine running Windows 2000 in CMU's Clusters; these include WeH 5204 (40 machines), WeH 5205 (12 machines), Cyert 100 (25 machines), and Baker 140 CEF (70 machines). You can do coursework from machines in any of these clusters.
Logging Off
When you are finished working on a cluster machine, you should always log off. Before logging off, make sure to backup (via Andrew) all your files that contain useful information. Then ...
To actually log off
At this point the machine will begin logging you off. To ensure
that this operation is successful, you should wait until the Welcome
to Windows box displayed.