Joannah Nanjekye
Software and Societal Systems Department
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Office: 461 TCS Hall
I currently work with Dr Jonathan Aldrich on TTPython,
a Python-based DSL making it easier to write time-sensitive IoT applications. I work on programming
languages engineering and focus on making it easier to program correct
distributed, time-sensitive applications for IoT devices, and in a practical way, using the
approach to facilitate efficient transportation networks and to monitor flooding in waterways
that may become more common as anthropogenic global warming increases.
I was advised by Dr David Bremner during my PhD, and
worked on Memory Management Techniques for Dynamic Languages as part of
the IBM CAS-Atlantic research group.
I am a former director of the Python Software Foundation and Python Core Developer with interests
on the CAPI and Subinterpreters (PEP 554).