From Ralph...
Wednesday, March 26. Laga, 12:10-1:15. $2 cover.
Laga was /great/ for a goth or goth-watcher tonight. I had a wonderful
time. Everything was good. This might quite possibly be the
long-sought Place That Doesn't Suck.
The dance floor is pretty large--not as large as Metropol's, but
certainly larger than most of the other dance floors I've seen in
Pittsburgh. Certainly, I estimated 50 people on the dance floor at one
time, without particular crowding.
The music was very good. Lots of moody goth music with an
techo/industrial edge. The DJ did a good job of segueing between songs
and adjusting the pace smoothly, and a good job of matching the music
to the mood of the crowd.
The population density was very good. There were a lot of people
present, but there was no significant crowding on the dance floor. I
certainly had no trouble doing my most extravagant moves, and no
trouble with being alone on the dance floor.
The eye-candy was *wonderful*. Of course, I like looking at Beautiful
People in Black (to use David Rochberg's phrase), and I look at women
more than men, but I found this place a real feast for the eyes. There
were lots of great-looking people there, more than I could manage to
flirt with. I recognized several of the good-looking people from
past visits to Indotech at Metropol.
*And* the lighting was good enough that you could see and appreciate
the eye-candy.
I didn't even look at my watch until I'd been dancing for more than an
hour. This is a sign of a very good time.
Other notes: there is a well-lit area in one corner with comfortable
chairs where you can sit and talk (I presume; I didn't try it myself
to see how easy it is to hold a conversation there, but I saw other
people doing so.) This, if true, is a good thing.
You need not be 21 to get into the club; there is one section (called
"The Cage") that's over-21 only. I've heard a report that it's
infested by teenage ravers on Friday nights--I'll check this out
personally, though, since it would be nice to find a good place to go
on weekends.
Wednesday, April 16. Laga. $2 cover.
Another good night--I've delayed writing this for two weeks, so I
don't have much to say.
From Ralph...
Last modified: Thu May 1 05:58:02 EDT 1997