From Corey and Bob...
"The Pegasus Lounge, downtown at Liberty and 9th, is probably the
most popular alternative dance bar in Pittsburgh. If you're looking
for a throbbing dance beat and pulsating flesh, this is the place for
you. Pegasus offers a large dance floor, two bars, and caters to a
younger, primarily male, crowd. On ``Growing Alternative Youth''
nights they open their doors to ages 18 and up. Pegasus is becoming a
hip haven for progressive straights as well."
From Ralph...
Wednesday, March 12. Pegasus, 1:45-12:30. No cover.
It seems that Metropol canceled their Wednesday night Indotech
thing--I drove down to Metropol and found the place closed up. Blitch.
So I decided to find Pegasus and check it out. Pegasus it turns out,
is a mucho cool gay bar. There was no cover. I got there at the end of
an episode of the 'Miss Pegasus' contest, (for drag queens, I think)
which was amusing. After the contest was over, they started playing
good techno-house stuff--the DJ clearly knows how to get people down.
And the people on the dance floor could dance... Pegasus is definitely
worth checking out again.