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Contributions of this thesis

We suggest a refinement calculus that satisfies all of the mentioned requirements.

A wide-spectrum language is presented that is general enough to allow the specification of the desired computation in very abstract terms. However, it can also encode a standard language with fair, shared-variable parallelism, synchronization, message-passing and local variables.

A crucial step towards a refinement calculus is the definition of a context-sensitive notion of approximation. It allows the comparison of the behaviour of two programs with respect to a particular environment. The definition requires a slight but crucial change to the semantics by augmenting traces with labels.

A refinement calculus that supports the stepwise development of shared-variable and message-passing parallel programs in a context-sensitive fashion. The rules allow the introduction of local variables, and the proof of certain liveness properties. Most of the rules are compositional.

A variety of detailed examples illustrates the use of the calculus and hopes to show its expressiveness and relative ease of use. One of these examples deals with an n-process mutual exclusion algorithm, contains a derivation from a considerably more high-level representation, and reveals several alternative implementations some of which exhibit more parallelism than the standard textbook version.

Finally, we place our work in context by detailedly discussing related work.

Juergen Dingel
Fri Aug 6 12:11:51 EDT 1999