Pretty Good Race Directions
Getting There:
Below is a Course Map which shows the course in blue. The race is out-and-back which
means that it starts and finishes at the same place with runners turning around at the
2500 meter half-way point and retracing their steps. The start/finish line is under the
bridge at the point indicated by the yellow star. The red line on the map shows how to
get to the starting line via a cobblestone driveway which has a short loop that goes under
the bridge and makes a sharp turn to go under the bridge again to the location of the
starting line. The cobblestone driveway
begins at point "B" on the map but can also be accessed by point "A". Point "A" is just
behind the drinking fountain to the left of the Schenley Park Visitors' Center. Behind
the drinking fountain location is a set of about 12 steps that lands onto the cobblestone driveway.
The Visitors' Center is at the CMU end
of the Panther Hollow Bridge across the street from Phipps Conservatory.
A Conceptual Map below the Course Map shows where the course is in relation to CMU.
The Course: Run down the hill and curve to the
right, then left up the long hill until you reach a small bridge that crosses the
ravine. This bridge curves to the right, then a short left up to the Bartlett Playground parklet. Don't
make the left into the parklet. Instead,
make the sharp right turn downhill onto the trail that goes along the ridge. Follow this
more or less down hill until you go under Panther Hollow Bridge again, climb
up to a point just about level to the playground (on your left). Go just a liitle further
as the trail just starts downhill - that is the
turnaround point. Retrace your steps to the start. Note that you never cross
a road.
Course Map [Map Courtesy of Eric Schneider]

Conceptual Map

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