Masculine given names, sorted alphabetically
Masculine given names, sorted by frequency
Feminine given names, sorted alphabetically
Feminine given names, sorted by frequency
Locatives, sorted by frequency
Other bynames, sorted by frequency
All bynames, sorted alphabetically
The 6 most common names comprise about 50% of the total. This selection contains about 1050 names total.
Name | # Citations |
Original Name | Percentage |
Sánchez | 105 |
Sancho | 10% |
Examples |
Rodríguez | 101 |
Rodrigo | 10% |
Examples |
López | 98 |
Lope | 9% |
Examples |
García | 92 |
García | 9% |
Examples |
Hernández | 79 |
Hernando | 8% |
Examples |
González | 63 |
Gonzalo | 6% |
Examples |
Martín | 63 |
Martín | 6% |
Examples |
Pérez | 62 |
Pedro | 6% |
Examples |
Díaz | 58 |
Diego | 6% |
Examples |
Gutiérrez | 39 |
Gutierro | 4% |
Examples |
Gómez | 37 |
Goma or Gome | 4% |
Examples |
Martínez | 35 |
Martín | 3% |
Examples |
Jiménez | 31 |
Jimeno | 3% |
Examples |
Ortiz | 31 |
Orti (lat. Fortis) | 3% |
Examples |
Ruiz | 30 |
Ruy | 3% |
Examples |
Nuñez | 23 |
Nuño | 2% |
Examples |
Vázquez | 17 |
Vasco | 2% |
Examples |
Muñoz | 13 |
Munio | 1% |
Examples |
Suárez | 12 |
Suaro | 1% |
Examples |
Juárez | 9 |
Suaro | 1% |
Examples |
Ramírez | 9 |
Ramiro | 1% |
Examples |
Arias | 8 |
Aria | 1% |
Examples |
Méndez | 8 |
Mendo | 1% |
Examples |
Sanz | 7 |
Sancto | 1% |
Examples |
Díez | 3 |
Diego | <1% |
Examples |
Yañez | 2 |
Juan | <1% |
Examples |
Blas | 1 |
Blas | <1% |
Examples |
Last updated: 9 October, 2002