Yiheng Li

Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave

Data Privacy Lab (Wean Hall 1320B)

Pittsburgh, PA 15213, (412)268-1097(O)

yiheng AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu


General Objective

v      Use state-of-the-art data analysis and relevant computer science/statistical techniques to solve privacy problems in evolving technologies


Current Fields of Interest

v      Data Privacy and Anonymity, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Databases, Networks



v      Master of Science in Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, GPA 4.0/4.0

Center for Automated Learning and Discovery, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Expected in May, 2004


v      Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Technology, GPA 88/100

Department of Computer Science & Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Jul, 2001


Academic Research and Working Experience

Graduate Level:

v      Learning from k-Anonymized Data (in progress)

v      Achieving k-Anonymity: the GenTree algorithm (in progress)

v      K-means Clustering in High Dimensional Hierarchical Dataset (proposal)

v      Learning Semantically Robust Rules from Data (paper under submission to KDD2004)

v      Accelerating Clustering Methods through Fractal Based Analysis (paper published in KDD2002-Fractal)

v      Web Access Data Analysis for Encyclopedia Britannica (unpublished project, 2001)


v      01/2004 ~ present: Teaching Assistant at Carnegie Mellon University --- the Course of Privacy and Anonymity in Data

v      01/2003 ~ 07/2003: Chief Information Officer at Hengdeli Hotel --- e-Marketing, Network Construction and Software Management

v      05/2002 ~ 08/2002: 5/2002 ~ 08/2002:  2003: el -- Summer Co-op at United States Steel Corporation --- Estimation of Steel Scrap Specification Using Data Mining & Statistical Techniques


Undergraduate Level:

v      Database Design (Sales Center of Spare Parts), Hardware Design (Elevator Control System), and Software Implementation (Digital Image Processing Toolbox)


v      02/2001 ~ 06/2001: Internship at Tsinghua Tongfang Corporation --- Enterprise Resource Planning

v      06/1999 ~ 07/1999: Programmer, Fugong Commerce & Trade Co. ltd --- Management Information System

v      07/1998 ~ 08/1998: Programmer, Huali Sci & Tech Development Co. ltd --- CAD Project


Selected Coursework

v      Privacy and Anonymity in Data, Multimedia Databases & Data Mining, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Digital Image Processing, Database Systems, Computer Networks, Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Compiler Principle

v      Statistical Approaches to Learning & Discovery, Non-parametric Methods, Time Series, Intermediate Statistics, Statistical Computing, Probability & Statistics

v      Computer Architecture, Micro Computer Technology, Computer Organization, Design of VLSI, Digital Logic Circuit, Analog Electronic Technology



v      Siebel Scholar (2002 to 2003), from Siebel Systems    

v      Graduate Fellowship (2001 to present), from Carnegie Mellon University      

v      Academic Excellence Scholarship (1998 to 2001), from Tsinghua University

v      Scholarship for Outstanding Undergraduate (1997 to 1998), from Tsinghua University    


Language Abilities and Programming Skills

v      Communicating Languages: Chinese (Native), English (Fluent) and Japanese (Intermediate)

v      Programming Languages: Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, Java, Assembly Language, Perl, Mat-lab, S-plus, R