Resource analysis

Integrating Resource Analyses via Resource Decomposition (under review)

Resource analysis aims to derive symbolic resource bounds of programs. Although numerous automatic, manual, static, and data-driven resource analysis techniques have been developed, they each have their own limitations and challenges. To overcome …

Robust Resource Bounds with Static Analysis and Bayesian Inference (PLDI 2024)

There are two approaches to automatically deriving symbolic worst-case resource bounds for programs: static analysis of the source code and data-driven analysis of cost measurements obtained by running the program. Static resource analysis is …

Worst-Case Input Generation for Concurrent Programs Under Non-Monotone Resource Metrics (conditionally accepted at LMCS 2024)

Worst-case input generation aims to automatically generate inputs that exhibit the worst-case performance of programs. It has several applications, and can, for example, detect vulnerabilities to denial-of-service attacks. However, it is non-trivial …