The Vote Box default size is zero. What are the
increments, points, inches, percentages. What is the largest number.
Does it make the Vote Box larger?
Generally downloading is always successful from GEMS to Ballot
Station and the prompt says Transfer Complete, then asks to do
another. If you answer Yes you can continue to download. If the
answer is No, it then installs the Ballot station (I assume). If there is
an error it will not complete the build process and the downloaded diskettes
will all have to be cleared.
The indication is that everything is okay until you try to
If it is not right, should there be some indication during the
Transfer process?
Greg Forsythe Global Election Systems, Inc 24 Hirondelle Place, Ontario M3A 1V8 Phone (416) 446-1383 Fax (416) 446-1425 |