I am very excited about the possibility about you extending
the "beers for cash" program to other product areas. With the possibility
of adding punch card tabulation and precinct control center, my mouth is awash
already. However, for those of us who have already been winners, there is
some concern regarding accountability.
I have searched the archive (see below). To my dismay,
in an effort to make sure that my last EB ("earned beer" to you rookies) is
being tracked appropriately under the archives, I have found only 13
references to beer. None of them mine. I will
undertake searching other fermented liquids after this election as time
allows. My concern is that, it took almost 9 years to earn this one beer,
and frankly I can't afford to lose it in some accounting
My questions are: How are beers, earned in the service of
quality control, tracked? Could you post a quarterly summary of who you
owe beers to? Also, in terms of ettiquite, can we transfer beers owed to
us, perhaps to family or kin or to others of our choice who are "in-country" so
to speak, to insure that payment is made. Lastly, is there any statute of
limitation on collections of said reward?
Yours Truly
Result for query 'beer'199906/msg00029:Re: Manual Entry in 1.10.1-2
200003/msg00065:Democratic symmetry
200101/msg00118:Header candidates and AVTS (was RE: crash2 - in 1-17-9 downloading to TS -crash 3)
200101/msg00119:Re: Header candidates and AVTS (was RE: crash2 - in 1-17-9 downloading to TS -crash 3)
200107/ subject)