
Matthew W. Bilotti

Matthew W. Bilotti, Jonathan L. Elsas, Jaime Carbonell and Eric Nyberg. Rank Learning for Factoid Question Answering with Linguistic and Semantic Constraints. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010). 2010.
Matthew W. Bilotti. Linguistic and Semantic Passage Retrieval Strategies for Question Answering. PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009.
Matthew W. Bilotti and Eric Nyberg. Improving Text Retrieval Precision and Answer Accuracy in Question Answering Systems. In Proceedings of the Second Information Retrieval for Question Answering (IR4QA) Workshop at COLING 2008. 2008.
Matthew W. Bilotti, Le Zhao, Jamie Callan and Eric Nyberg. Focused Retrieval over Richly-Annotated Collections. In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2008 Workshop on Focused Retrieval. 2008.
Matthew W. Bilotti, Paul Ogilvie, Jamie Callan and Eric Nyberg. Structured Retrieval for Question Answering. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2007.
Teruko Mitamura, Frank Lin, Hideki Shima, Mengqiu Wang, Jeongwoo Ko, Justin Betteridge, Matthew Bilotti, Andrew Schlaikjer and Eric Nyberg. JAVELIN III: Cross-Lingual Question Answering from Japanese and Chinese Documents. In Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop. 2007.
Matthew W. Bilotti and Eric Nyberg. Evaluation for Scenario Question Answering Systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006). 2006. (Poster.).
Eric Nyberg, Robert Frederking, Teruko Mitamura, Matthew Bilotti, Kerry Hannan, Laurie Hiyakumoto, Jeongwoo Ko, Frank Lin, Lucian Lita, Vasco Pedro and Andrew Schlaikjer. JAVELIN I and II Systems at TREC 2005. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2005). 2005.
Eric Nyberg, Teruko Mitamura, Robert Frederking, Vasco Pedro, Matthew W. Bilotti, Andrew Schlaikjer and Kerry Hannan. Extending the JAVELIN QA System with Domain Semantics. In Proceedings of the Question Answering in Restricted Domains Workshop at AAAI 2005. 2005.
Boris Katz, Matthew Bilotti, Sue Felshin, Aaron Fernandes, Wesley Hildebrandt, Roni Katzir, Jimmy Lin, Daniel Loreto, Gregory Marton, Federico Mora and Ozlem Uzuner. Answering multiple questions on a topic from heterogeneous resources. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004). 2004.
Matthew W. Bilotti, Boris Katz and Jimmy Lin. What Works Better for Question Answering: Stemming or Morphological Query Expansion?. In Proceedings of the Information Retrieval for Question Answering (IR4QA) Workshop at SIGIR 2004. 2004.
Matthew W. Bilotti. Query Expansion Techniques for Question Answering. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Boris Katz, Jimmy Lin, Daniel Loreto, Wesley Hildebrandt, Matthew Bilotti, Sue Felshin, Aaron Fernandes, Gregory Marton and Federico Mora. Integrating Web-based and Corpus-based Techniques for Question Answering. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2003). 2003.

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