Pork Chop Dish

From: nell@is.rice.edu (Paula Gaynell Warnes)

Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 18:40:26 GMT

My favorite pork chop recipe is easy and makes a very filling

	1 cup   Rice
	2 cups  Water
	1       Onion
	2       Tomatoes  (1 can of whole peeled tomatoes can be used)
	4-6     Porkchops

	Take a 9 x 13 glass baking dish and cover the bottom with
the rice.  Lay the pork chops on top of the rice.  Slice the
Onion and Tomato and lay on top of the porkchops.  Pour the water
into pan. The water should cover pork chops.  Cook at 350 F until
the pork chops are done (about 30 min).


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