Cafe Pasqual's Green Chile Sauce

From: garhow@hpubmaa.esr.HP.COM (Garry Howard)
Date: 13 Oct 1993 12:58:33 GMT
  Servings:  6

  1 1/2 lb mild green New Mexico chiles
           -roasted, peeled, seeded and
           -chopped to measure 2 cups
    3/4 lb hot green New Mexico chiles
           -roasted, peeled, seeded and
           -chopped to measure 1 cup
      4 c  water
    1/2    white onion
           -medium diced
      2 ts dried Mexican oregano
      6    cloves garlic
           -finely minced
  1 1/2 ts kosher salt
      2 Tb vegetable oil
      3 Tb all-purpose flour

From: Cafe Pasqual's Cookbook by Katherine Kagel - ISBN 0-8118-0293-0
Cafe Pasqual's is a popular restaurant in Santa Fe, NM.

This is the sauce we use to dress omelots, huevos motulenos, huevos
rancheros, enchiladas, and burritos. Called chile verde, it is the 
gravy of New Mexico. Gravies are the personal mark of a cook, so please
feel free to make this recipe yours with your own additions or deletions.

Green chiles are available fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. If using
fresh chiles for this recipe, which are preferred, make a special effort
to obtain New Mexico green chiles rather than use the milder, ubiquitous
Anaheim variety. If New Mexico green chiles are unavailable, substitute
fresh poblano chiles. Poblano chiles are shiny, dark green, and have more
of a bell pepper shape than the longer, pointed New Mexico and Anaheim
varieties. Fresh chiles need to be roasted, peeled, stemmed, seeded,
and chopped before using. Frozen chiles have already been prepared in this
manner. If using canned chiles, the least preferable choice, rinse them
thoroughly before using. Canned and frozen chile products are specifically
labeled by the processor as to whether the chiles are hot, medium-hot, or
mild. If using dried green chiles, soak in hot water to cover for 45
minutes to rehydrate them, then drain, seed, and chop.

Place all the ingredients, except the vegetable oil and flour, in a large
saucepan over medium heat. Simmer, uncovered, until juice has thickened
and is opaque, 20 to 30 minutes. Stir occasionally, taking care the the
chiles do not burn or stick to the bottom of the pan.

In a small bowl, whisk together the oil and flour until smooth and well
blended, to form the base for a roux. Place in a saucepan over medium-high 
heat until hot and bubbling. Reduce the heat to low and whisk
constantly until the roux is slightly brown and has a nutty flavor. Remove
from the heat.

Add 1/2 cup of the green chile mixture to the roux and whisk thoroughly
until smooth. Add the toux to the remaining chile mixture and cook over
low heat until the sauce thickens and the "flour taste" disappears, about
15 minutes. Adjust to taste with salt.

Remove from the heat, let cool, cover and store in a nonreactive
container in the refrigerator until needed. The sauce may be refrigerated
for up to 4 days. Check it for sourness if held any longer. The sauce
may be frozen for up to 2 months. To heat the sauce for serving, place it
in a nonreactive pan over medium-low heat, stirring frequently to
prevent scorching.


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