Maruan Al-Shedivat

ML Research @ Genesis Therapeutics  ā€¢  Previously: CMU / GoogleAI / OpenAI  ā€¢  learn ā‡„ imagine ā‡† build

Hey, thanks for stopping by! šŸ‘‹

Iā€™m a Director of Machine Learning at Genesis Therapeutics.

Our team is focused on solving challenging problems at the intersection of AI x Biotech, building a fully-integrated AI platform for drug discovery.
If this resonates with you, we are actively hiring (full-time + internships)!

As a scientist, Iā€™m broadly interested in all aspects of machine learning, and particularly in probabilistic modeling, deep learning, robust and scalable data-driven systems, and applications to life and engineering sciences.

Previously, I completed my PhD in ML from Carnegie Mellon University, where I was advised by Eric Xing and worked on probabilistic approaches to multitask learning, supported by the CMLH Fellowship (2018/19) and Google PhD Fellowship (2019/21). I had also spent time at OpenAI (2017) and Google Research (2018/20).

I was also a lead organizer of the Adaptive & Multitask Learning Workshop (ICML 2019), a founding editor of the ML@CMU Blog, and still regularly PC/review for major machine learning venues.

In my spare time, I enjoy doing sports (mostly running and cycling), traveling, and going on hikes with friends and family. Also, I happened to grow up in Moscow and do speak Russian.