Omer Akgul
Previously, under the guidance of Michelle Mazurek, I earned my PhD in computer science at the University of Maryland, College Park. In addition to my current roles, I hold a visiting research scientist position at UMD. My bachelor's is from Bilkent University where I used to work on vision/machine learning.
Workshops etc.
Evaluation of Ad Transparency Systems
Kevin Bryson, Arthur Borem, Phoebe Moh, Omer Akgul, Laura Edelson, Chris Geeng, Tobias Lauinger, Michelle L. Mazurek, Damon McCoy, Blase Ur
[ConPro 24] 8th Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection
This Proposal Was Brought to You by Content Creators’ Mental Models of Security & Privacy Products
Richie Roberts, Wentao Guo, Omer Akgul, Michelle L. Mazurek, Dave Levin
[ConPro 23] 7th Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection
Investigating VPN Ads on YouTube
Omer Akgul, Richie Roberts, Moses Namara, Dave Levin, Michelle L Mazurek
[ConPro 21] 5th Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection
The Hackers’ Viewpoint: Exploring Challenges and Benefits of Bug-Bounty Programs
Omer Akgul, Taha Eghtesad, Amit Elazari, Omprakash Gnawali, Jens Grossklags, Daniel Votipka, Aron Laszka
[WSIW 20] 6th Workshop on Security Information Workers
Organizing: WSIW 23-24
Reviewing: IEEE S&P 24, (Po)PETS 23-24
Collaborative Innovation Center, 2213
Pittsburgh, PA