Introduction |
This programming assignment is designed to ensure that you know how to write
classes (including the use of arrays and interfaces).
Primarily, you will be writing methods, but you will also be defining
fields (mostly instance variables) and writing constructors.
Finally, you'll beging to practice writing, testing, and debugging
classes using iterative-enhancement.
Do not use inheritance on any part of this assignment.
To write a class using iterative enhancement, we use the following process.
You will write three classes in this assignment; I will provide driver programs for testing each. As always, you can check the behavior of your programs against mine by downloading and running my Executables, to help you understand the specification of the problem and observe the programmer/user interaction you are to implement Continue to use good programming style when coding these classes. Also, read items 15-24 and 27-31 in Vermeulen, The Elements of Java Style (which appear on pages 18-25 and 26-29). Instead of starting with empty project folders, download and unzip the Start Project Folders which contain the infrastructure that you will use to test the classes that you write in this assignment. These projects show compilation errors: you might need to rename or add some class files to these projects (certainly you will have to write some code); check that you have the necessary imports too. Write each program in its project folder; they are named bigrationaldemo, vendingmachine, and simplepriorityqueuedemo; put these folders in another folder whose name combines your names (when programming in pairs) and the program number (e.g., pattis-stehlik-4). Then zip this folder and dropoff that single zip file. Each pair should submit one project: either partner can submit it.
BigRational: Infinite Precision Rationals |
Write a class named BigRational in a package named by your CMU
user id (if you are use the package name
This assignment is actual a bridge between using/writing classes, because
you are actually translating the Rational class
(BigRational contains all same the methods).
But, instead of using two int instance variables for storing the
numerator and denominator, use two BigInteger
instance variables, by importing and using the java.math.BigInteger
In BigRational, these instance variables can store integers with any
number of digits (tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.)
Refer to the Javadoc of BigInteger throughout this assignment (you
might even want to print a copy).
What you must do is translate the Rational class so that instead of using ints it becomes the BigRational class and uses BigInteger. Operators applied to int variables must be translated into method calls on BigInteger variables. Most operators on ints are available as equivalent methods on BigIntegers. Translate the file (change its name to which contains all the Rational constructors and methods: translate each of these. The project file also contains a driver, which compiles when the the BigRational class compiles. Here are some general hints for translation.
Vending Machine |
Write a class named Model for the vendingMachine package.
This class implements the actions of a vending machine which allows coins to
be deposited and products to be bought (or transactions to be cancelled).
It consists of some fields (you will have to infer most of these; plan on
adding/removing fields as you implement/debug this class), methods, and a
constructor with no parameters.
It must implement the following public methods (see their headers
below), which are called by the Controller and View classes
to simulate a vending machine.
The program will not compile without these methods; you can write other
private helper methods for this class as well, to avoid duplicating
Finally, remember to call view.update() whenever the state of the model has changed; this tells the view to recollect all the information that it needs to redisplay itself: in this case it will call all the tiny accessors to determine what to display. The constructor for the model should prompt the user to enter the starting number of quarters, dimes, nickels, coke bottles, pepsi bottles, coke cost, and pepsi cost (if you declare any other instance variables, initialize them appropriately without prompting). You do not need to examine/alter code in the other classes in this package. You do not need to write/update the Javadoc for this class. |
A Priority Queue Class |
Write a class named SimplePriorityQueue in a package named by your CMU
user id (if you are use the package name
We have already discussed and examined the SimpleStack and
SimpleQueue collection classes.
A priority queue is similar to a queue in that values can be enqueued
into it and dequeued from it (and all the same accessors are allowed).
The major difference is that values are dequeued in order of their priority
(highest priority first), not in the order that they were enqueued.
Think of a line in Hollywood, where stars get to leave the line and be served
first, no matter when they entered the line.
There are very many different interesting ways to implement a priority queue,
some using advanced data structures (heaps, binomial trees, etc).
In this assignment we will implement a simple (and slow) one using 1-d
Many of the methods can be written independently of the enqueue/dequeue behavior: makeEmpty, isEmpty, getSize, and toString. You are to implement the other methods depending on the last name of the person in the pair whose last name comes first in the alphabet. In the Pattis/Stehlik pair, the implementation is done according to Pattis. If the person's last name starts with A-J, the values in the priority queue appear in the array in no special order. The enqueue method should put its value at the rear of the array (doubling its length if necessary). The dequeue method should scan this array to find the value with the highest priority, remove it (by moving the current rear value to its position -after all, there is no order in the array), and return it. The peek methods works the same, but without removing the value. If the person's last name starts with K-Z, the values in the priority queue appear in the array in a special order: sorted from lowest priority (at index 0) to highest priority (at the highest index). The enqueue method should put its value in the correct position in the array (doubling its length if necessary). The dequeue method should remove the value at the highest index (it has the highest priority) and return it. The peek methods works the same, but without removing the value. Some ground rules: Do not call any sorting method in your code. Write private helper methods to avoid duplicating code inside any methods (in one implementation, there is lots of code in dequeue and peek that is similar). When you remove any references from the array, ensure that you store null there: don't leave in a reference to any old values, or duplicate references to any values. The only loose end is how to determine which value has the highest priority (needed either in the methods that enqueue or dequeue/peek). We want SimplePriorityQueue objects to acquire this priority information, not have any special ordering built into them. This is a perfect place to use the Comparator interface. When we construct a SimplePriorityQueue we will supply it with an object constructed from a class implementing Comparator. Then, we can use the compare method of this object to determine the priority ordering of the values whenever we need to. You will be required to write (and add to the project) a variety of classes that implement this interface (all in a package using your standard name, e.g., edu.cmu.andrew.pat.cs15200). In the first four, you can assume Strings are being compared.
public class StringByLength implements Comparator { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { String s1 = (String)o1; String s2 = (String)o2; return s2.length() - s1.length(); //Note the order of s2 and s1! } public boolean equals(Object o1) {return (o1 instanceof StringByLength);} }Note that compare("ab","xyz") returns a positive value (3-2 = 1) indicating that the first argument has a higher priority than the second (smaller length). Another way to implement this is return -(s1.length()-s2.length()); meaning that the priority is the opposite of the standard ordering: if the first is less than the second, it has higher priority. Examine the file. When it constructs a SimplePriorityQueue object, it passes it an object constructed from some class that implements the Comparator interface (i.e., an object constructed from one of the classes above). Run my executable to better understand the meanings of these Comparator classes; enqueue and dequeue lots of different values. The SimplePriorityQueue class should define two constructors. The first takes an object from a class implementing Comparator and an and initial size for the array (which must be positive, otherwise throw an exception); the second just takes such an object (and by default uses an array of size 1). Hint: I used just three instance variables: one for the array; one for the amount of that array actually used, and one for the Comparator object. Finally, modify the SimpleQueue provided in the start folder that you download (it is an excellent starting point because queues and priority queues have the same method names -and some even have the same semantics). Update its Javadoc to be correct for the SimplePriorityQueue class. To generate the Javadoc for this class, select Project | Generate Javadoc... and then make sure the box for the entire project in the Select types for which Javadoc will be generated is fully checked (if you click the disclosure box, make sure both the packages -default and the one with your id- are checked. Examine the other options, but don't change them. Note that you can genrate Javadoc for users (showing only public information) and Javadoc for yourself (showing members with other access modifiers: just go with public). Finally click Finish. The console window will show a trace of your Javadoc being generated. To examine/read the Javadoc, look in your project folder under Doc and double click the index.htm file. Submit the Javadoc with your project (don't remove it before zipping). |
Extra Credit | The BigRational problem has 1 point of extra credit. To earn it, modify the driver for an option to calculate the mathematical constant e. To do so, prompt the user for n, the number of terms in the series for e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ... + 1/n! Use the Timer class to print the amount of time that this calculation takes. See my executable, which includes this option. |