Introduction |
In this lecture we will study various ways to analyze the performance of
Performance concerns the amount of resources that an algorithm uses to solve
a problem of a certain size: typically, we will speak about solving a problem
using an array of size N or a linked list with N nodes in it.
In addition, we will mostly be concerned with "worst-case" performance; other
possibilities are "best-case" (simple, but not much useful information
here), and "average-case" (too complicated mathematically to pursue in an
introductory course).
Finally, we will mostly be concerned with the speed (time, as a resource) of
algorithms, although we will sometimes discuss the amount of storage that
they require too (space, as a resource: we can also talk of worst-case,
best-case, and average case).
We want to be able to analyze algorithms, not just the methods that implement them. That means we should be able to say something interesting about the performance of an algorithm independent from having a version of it (written in some programming language) that a machine can execute. Once we examine machine-executable versions, there is a lot of technology details to deal with: what language we write the code in, which compiler we use for that language, what speed processor we run it on, how fast memory is (and even how much caching is involved). While this information is important to predict running times, it is not fundamental to analyzing the algorithms themselves. So, we will analyze algoritms independent of technology, making this subject more scientific. Instead, we will analyze an algorithm by predicting how many steps it takes, and then go through a series of simplifications leading to characterizing an algorithm by its complexity class. Although it initially may seem that we have thrown out useful information, we will learn how to predict running times of methods on actual machines, using an algorithm's complexity class, and timing it on the machine that it will be run on. |
Analyzing Algorithms: From Machine Language to Big O Notation | In this section we will start with a very concrete and technological approach to analyzing algorithms -by looking at how Java compiles such code to machine language- and then generalize to a science that is independent of such technology. First, suppose that we invent a mathematical function Iaw(N) that computes the number of machine code instructions executed by algorithm a when run on the worst-case problem of size N. Such a function takes an integer as a parameter (N, the problem size) and returns an integer as a result (the number of machine language instructions executed). |
Maximum |
For example, the following code computes the maximum value in an array of
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i] > max) max = a[i]; We can easily examine the machine language instructions that Java produces for this code by using the debugger. If we specify Mixed on the bottom control of its window, Java shows us the Java code interspersed with the machine language instructions.
Below, I have duplicated this information, but reformatted it to be more
I have put comments at the end of every line and put blank lines
between what compiler folks call basic blocks.
Each basic block can be entered only at the top and exited only at the bottom. once a basic block is entered, all its instructions are executed. There may be multiple ways to enter and exit blocks. This code is a bit tortuous to read and hand simulate, but you can trace through it. An easier way to visualize the code in these basics blocks is as a graph, which I will annotate with all the information needed to understand computing instruction counts from it. |
Block A initializes max.
Block B initializes i in the for loop; not the
branch leading to testing for termination, which is near the bottom.
Block C compare a[i] to max, either falling through
to Block D which updates max or skipping this block.
Block E increments i.
Block F tests whether the loop should terminate or execute the
body (again).
We can compute the exact number of instructions that are to be executed for
any inputs.
For simplicity, let us assume that all the array values are bigger than the
smallest integer (used to initialize max.
If the array contains 0 values, 9 instructions are executed: blocks A, B, F. If the array contains 1 value, 23 instructions are executed: blocks A, B, F, C, D, E, F. If the array contains 2 values, either 33 instructions are executed (the first value is bigger than the second: blocks A, B, F, C, D, E, F, C, E, F) or 37 instructions are executed (the second value is bigger than the first - the worst case: A, B, F, C, D, E, F, C, D, E, F). Assuming the worst case from now on, if the array contains 3 values, 51 instructions are executed. ...
Thus, for this example -the code to compute the maximum value in an array-
we can write the formula.
Iaw(N) = 14N + 9.
At most there are 14 instructions executed during each loop iteration
(blocks C, D, E, F); the housekeeping to initialize max
and initialize i and check the first loop iteration requires 9
instructions (blocks A, B, F).
In fact, computing Iab (the number of steps in the best case,
where the if test is true only on the first iteration, is
Here N is a.length (the number of values stored in the array), and the worst-case run will be on an array of strictly increasing values: the if test executed during each iteration of the loop is repeatedly true, so the machine instructions to copy that value into max (block D) are always executed. Determining the average case is a problem in discrete math: given a random distribution (there are many; say the numbers are distributed uniformly) of values, how many times (on average) do we expect to execute block B, meaning the next value to be bigger than all the prior ones; this is not a simple problem but we can write programs to help understand it. Let's return our focus to Iaw(N) = 14N + 9. Although this formula is simple, we want to make it even simpler if we can. Note that as N gets large (and most algorithmic analysis is asymptotic: it is concerned with what happens as the problem size N gets very large), the lower order term (9) can be dropped from this function to simplify it (less precision), without losing much accuracy. For example, if N is 100, Iaw(N) = 1,409: if we drop the 9 term, the simplified answer is just 1,400 which is 99.3% of the correct answer; if we increase N to 1,000, Iaw(N) = 14,009: if we drop the 9 term, the simplfied answer is just 14,000 which is 99.94% of the correct answer; if we increase N to 10,000, Iaw(N) = 140,009: if we drop the 9 term, the simplfied answer is just 140,000 which is 99.994% of the correct answer. Thus as N gets large (and 10,000 is not even a very large problem for computers) the lower term is not significant so we will drop it to simplify the formula to Iaw(N) = 14N. Mathematically, if Td(N) is the dominant term (here 14N, we can drop any term T(N) if T(N)/Td(N) -> 0 as N -> infinity: note that 9/14N -> 0 as N -> inifinity, so that term can be dropped. |
Sort |
For another example, think about sorting an array.
We can use the following simple to code but inefficient algorithm.
for (int base=0; base<N; base++) for (int check=base+1; check<N; check++) if (a[base]>a[check]) { int temp = a[base]; a[base] = a[check]; a[check] = temp; }The code for this example leads to the following basic blocks |
Assume that for the worst-case input, every time two values in the array are
compared, they are found to be in the wrong order and must be swapped.
The following right side of an EBNF rule models the correct order of
execution of basic blocks: AH{BF{CDEF}GH}, with the restriction
that he inner repetition happens one fewer times than the outer
If the array contains 0 values, 7 instructions are executed: blocks A, H.
If the array contains 1 value, 21 instructions are executed: blocks A, H, B,
F, G, H.
If the array contains 2 values, 63 instructions are executed: blocks A, H, B,
F, C, D, E, F, G, H, B, F, I, H.
If the array contains 3 values, 133 instructions are executed
The resulting instruction-counting function is
Recall our terms T(N) can be dropped if the limit T(N)/Td(N) -> 0 as N -> infinity: note that 7/14N2 -> 0 as N -> inifinity, so that term can be dropped. Now, let's take a look at the constant in front of the dominant term; it's value doesn't really matter for three important reasons. And, by getting rid of it we can simplify the formula again.
Big O Notation |
By ignoring all the lower-order terms and constants, we would say that
algorithm a is O(N2), which means that the growth
rate of the work performed by algorithm a (the number of instructions
it executes) is on the order of N2.
This is called big O notation, and we use it to specify the
complexity class of an algorithm.
Big O notation doesn't tell us everything that we need to know about the running time of an algorithm. For example, if two algorithms are O(N2), we don't know which will eventually become faster). And, if one algorithm is O(N) and another is O(N2), we don't know which will be faster for samll N. But, it does economically tell us quite a bit about the performance of an algorithms (see the three important questions above). We can compute the complexity class of an algorithm by the process shown above, or by doing something much simpler: determining how often its most frequently executed statement is executed as a function of N.
Returning to our first example,
the if statement is executed N times, where N is the length of the array: a.length. Returning to our second example, for (int base=0; base<N; base++) for (int check=base+1; check<N; check++) if (a[base]>a[check]) { int temp = a[base]; a[base] = a[check]; a[check] = temp; }the if statement is executed about N2 times, where N is the length of the array: a.length. It is actually executed exactly N(N-1)/2 times: for the first outer loop iteration it is executed N-1 times; for the second N-2 times, ... for the last 0 times. Know that 1+2+3+...+ N = N(N+1)/2, so 1+2+3+...+N-1 = N(N-1)/2 or N2/2 - N/2. Dropping the lower terms an constant yields N2. Finally, note that comparing algorithms by their complexity classes is useful only for large N. We cannot state authoritatively whether an O(N) algorithm or an O(N2) algorithm is faster for small N; but we can state that once we pass some threshold for N (call it N0), the O(N) algorithm will always be faster than the O(N2) algorithm. This ignorance is illustrated by the picture below. |
In this example, the O(N) algorithm takes more time for small N.
Of course, by adjusting constants and lower-order terms, it could also be the
case that the O(N) algorithm is always faster; we cannot tell this
information solely from the complexity class.
Technically, an algorithm a is O(f(n)) if and only if there exist a number M and N0 such that Iaw(n) <= Mf(n) for all n>N0 This means for example that any O(N) algorithm is also O(N2) too (or O(f(n)) for any f(n) that grows faster than linearly). Technically Ω is the symbol to use when you know a tight bound on both sides: if there exists M1, M2, and N0 such that M1f(n) <= Iaw(n) <= Mf(n) for all n>N0, we say that algorithm a is Ω(f(n)). We will use just Big O notation, often pretending it is Ω. See Big O Notation in the online Wikipedia for more details. |
Complexity Classes |
Using big O notation, we can broadly categorize algorithms by their complexity
This categorization supplies one kind of excellent information: given the time
it takes a method (implementing an algorithm) to solve a problem of size
N, we can easily compute how long it would take to solve a problem of
size 2N.
For example, if a method implementing a certain sorting algorithm is in the complexity class O(N2), and it takes about 1 second to sort 10,000 values, it will take about 4 seconds to sort 20,000 values. That is, for complexity class O(N2), doubling the size of the problem quadruples the amount of time taken executing a method. The algebra to prove this fact is simple. Assuming Taw(N) = c*N2 (where c is some technology constant related to the compiler used, the speed of the computer and its memory, etc.) the ratio of the time taken to solve a problem of size 2N to the time take to solve a problem of size N is. Taw(2N)/Taw(N) = c*(2N)2 / c*(N)2 = 4cN2 / cN2 = 4As we saw before, the constants are irrelevant: they all disappear no matter what the complexity class. Likewise, using this method to sort 1,000,000 values (100 times more data) would take about 2.8 hours (that is 10,000 times longer, which is 1002). Here is a short characterization of some common complexity classes (there are many others: any expression that is a formula using N). We will discuss some of these algorithms in more detail later in this handout, and use these complexity class to characterize many methods throughout the semester.
We can compute log2N = (ln N)/(ln 2) = 1.4427 ln N. Since log base 2 and log base e are linearly related, it really makes no difference which we use when using Big O notation, because only the constants (which we ignore) are different. You should also memorize that log21000 is about 10 (actually log21024 is exactly 10), and that log2Na = alog2N. From this fact we can easily compute log21,000,000 as log21,0002 which is 2log21000 which is about 20. Do this for log21,000,000,000 (one billion). Again, we should understand that these simple formulas work only when N gets large. This is the core of asymptotic algorithmic analysis Note that complexity classes before (and including) log-linear are considered "fast": their running time does not increase much faster than the size of the problem increases. The later complexity classes O(N2), O(N3), etc. are slow but "tractable". The final complexity class O(2N) grows so fast that it is called "intractable": only small problems in this complexity class can ever be solved. For example, assume that Ia1w(N) = 10 (constant), and Ia2w(N) = 10log2N (logrithmic), and Ia3w(N) = 10N (linear), etc. Assume further that we are running code on a machine executing 1 billion (109) operations per second. Then the following table gives us an intuitive idea of how running times for algorithms in different complexity classes changes with problem size.
Time Estimation Based on Complexity Class |
Up until this point we have continually simplified information about
algorithms to make our analysis of them easier.
Have we strayed so far from reality that our information is useless.
In this section we will learn how we can easily and accurately (say, within
10%) predict how long it will take a method to solve a large problem size,
if we know the complexity class for the method, and have measured how long
the method takes to execute for some large problem size.
Notice both the measured and predicted problem sizes must be reasonably large,
otherwise the simplifications used to compute the complexity class will not
be accurate: the lower order terms will have a real effect on the answer.
For a first example, we will measure, and then predict, the running time of a simple, quadratic sorting method. We will use a driver program (discussed below, in the Sorting section) to repeatedly sort an array containing 1,000 random values, and then predict how long it will take this method to sort an array containing of 10,000 random values (and actually compare this prediction to the measured running time for this problem size).
T(1000) = c 10002 .022 = c 106 c = .022/106 c = 2.2 x 10-8Thus for large N, T(N) = 2.2x10-8 N2 seconds. Using this formula, we can predict that using this method to sort an array of 10,000 random values would take about 2.2 seconds. The actually amount of time is about 2.7 seconds. The prediction is 100[1-(2.6-2.2)/2.6] or 85% accurate (so, we barely missed our goal of 90% accuracy). It would be more accurate if we measured this sort on a 10,000 value array and predicted the time to sort a 100,000 value array. For a second example, we wil measure, and then predict, the running time of a more complicated log-linear sorting method (this algorithm is in the lowest complexity class for all those that accomplish sorting). We will use a driver program to repeatedly sort an array containing 100,000 random values, and then predict how long it will take this method to sort an array containing of 1,000,000 random values (and actually compare this prediction to the measured running time for this problem size, which is small enough to measure).
T(100,000) = c (1,000,000 log 2 1,000,000) .15 = c 1,660,964 c = .15/1,660,964 c = 9.0 x 10-9Thus for large N, T(N) = 7.8x10-8(N log 2N) seconds. Using this formula, we can predict that using this method to sort an array of 1,000,000 random values would take 1.6 seconds. The actually amount of time is about 1.8 seconds. The prediction is 100[1-(1.8-1.6)/1.6] or 87% accurate (so, we again missed our goal of 90% accuracy, but only barely). Here is a final word on the accuracy of our predictions. If we sort the exact same array a few times (the sort testing driver easily does this) we will see variations of 10%-20%; likewise we get a slightly greater spread if we sort different arrays (but all of the same size). Our model predicts that these would all take the same amount of time. So all kinds of things (operating system, what programs it is running, what network connections are open, etc.) influence the actually amount of time taken to sort an array. In this light, the accuracy of our "naive" predictions is actually quite good. |
Determining Complexity Classes Empirically |
We have seen that it is fairly simple, given an algorithm, to determine
its complexity class: determin how often its most frequently executed
statement is executed as a function of N.
But what if even that is too hard: it is too big or convoluted.
Well, if we have a method implementing the algorithm, we can actually time
it on a few different-sized problems and infer the complexity class from
the data.
First, be aware that the standard timer in Java is accurate to only .001 second (1 millisecond). Call this one tick So, to get any kind of accuracy, you should run the method on large enough data to take tens to hundreds of ticks (milliseconds). So, run the method on some data of size N, enough for the required number of ticks, then of size 2N, then of size 4N, then of size 8N. For algorithms in simple complexity classes, you should be able to recognize a pattern (which will be approximate by not exact). If the sequence of values is 1.0 seconds, 2.03 seconds, 3.98 seconds, and 8.2 seconds: the method seems O(N). Here each doubling approximately doubled the time the method ran. If the sequence of values is 1.0 seconds, 3.8 second, 17.3 seconds, and 70.3 seconds: the method seems O(N2). Here each doubling approximately quadrupled the time the method ran. Of course, things get a bit subtle for a complexity class like O(Nlog2N), but you'll see it always a bit worse than linear, but nowhere near quadratic. Of course O(Nlog22N) would behave simlarly, so you must apply this process with a bit of skepticism that you are computing perfect answers. |
Searching: O(N) and O(log2N) Algorithms |
Linear seaching, whether in an array or in a linked list, is O(N); in the worst
case (where the value being searched for is not in the data structure), each
value in the data structure must be examined (the inner if statement
must be executed N times).
public static int linearSearch (int[] a, int value) { for (int i; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i] == value) return i; return -1; }Linear searching in an ordered array is no better: it is still O(N). Again, in the worst case (where the value being searched for is bigger than any value in the data structure), each value in the data structure must be examined. But, there is a way to search an ordered array that is much faster. This algorithm, for reasons that will become clear soon, is called binary searching. Let's explore this algorithm first in a more physical context. Suppose that we have 1,000,000 names in alphabetical (sorted) order in a phone book, one name and its phone number per page (only on the front of a page, not the back). Here is an algorithm to find a person's name (and their related phone number) in such a phone book
If the original phone book had 1,000,000 pages, after the first iteration (assuming the name we are looking for isn't right in the middle) the remaining book would have about 500,000 pages (actually it would have 499,999). In this algorithm, the first comparison eliminates about 500,000 pages! After the second comparison, we are down to a phone book containing about 250,000 pages. Here one more comparison eliminates about 250,000 pages; not as good as the first comparison, but still much better than linear searching, where each comparison eliminates just one page! If we keep going, we’ll either find the name or after about 20 comparisons the phone book will be reduced to have no pages. Critical to this method is the fact that the phone book is alphabetized (ordered); it is also critical to be able to find the middle of the phone book quickly (which is why this method doesn't work on linked lists). To determine the complexity class of this algorithm (operating on a sorted array), notice that each comparison cuts the remaining array size in half (actually, because the midpoint is also eliminated with the comparison, the size is cut by a bit more than a half). For an N page book, the maximum number of iterations log2 N (the number of times we can divide N by 2 before it is reduced to 1; or, the number of times that we can double 1 before reaching N). Notice in this algorithm if the array size doubles, the number of iterations increases by just 1: the first comparison would cut the doubled array size back to the original array size. Again, here are some important facts about logarithms that you should memorize.
Here a method for implementing the binary search algorithm on arrays. public static int binarySearch (int[] a, int value) { int low = 0; int high = a.length-1 for(;;) { if (low > high) //low/high bounds inverted, so return -1; // the value is not in the array int mid = (low+high)/2; //Find middle of the array if (a[mid] == value) //Found value looking for, so return mid; // return its index; otherwise else if (value < a[mid]) //determine which half of the high = mid-1; // array potential stores the else // value and continue seraching low = mid+1; // only that part of the array }The following illustration shows how this method executes in a situation where it finds the value it is searching for. Notice how it converges on those indexes in the array that might store the searched for value. |
  | The following illustration shows how this method executes in a situation where it does not find the value it is searching for. |
Again, each iteration of the loop reduces the part of the array being looked
at by a factor of two.
How many times can we reduce a size N array before we are left with a
single value? log2 N
(the same number of times we can double the size of an array from 1 value to
Finally, note that we cannot perform binary searching efficiently on linked lists, because we cannot quickly find the middle of a linked list. In fact, another self-referential data structure, trees, can be used to perform efficient searches. |
Sorting: O(N2) and O(N log2N) Algorithms |
Sorting is one of the most common operations performed on an array of data.
We saw in the previous section how sorting an array allows it to be searched
much more efficiently.
Sorting algorithms are often divided into two complexity classes: simple to
understand algorithms whose complexity class is O(N2) and more
complicated algorithms whose complexity class is O(N log2 N).
The latter are much faster than the former for large arrays
(see the Time Estimation section,
which discussed two such sorting algorithms, for an example).
The fast one was the Arrays.sort method which sorts any array of objects
efficiently: it implements an O(Nlog2N) algorithm with a small
Here is a brief description of three O(N2) sorting algorithms.
Here is a brief description of three O(N log2 N) sorting algorithms.
All these sorting algorithms are defined as static methods in the Sort class. All method have exactly the same prototype (so they can be easily interchanged) public static void bubble (Object[] a, int size, Comparator c)which includes
Finally, it has been proven that when using comparisons to sort values, all algorithms require at least O(N log2 N) comparisons. Thus, there are no general sorting algorithms in any complexity class smaller than log-linear (although better algorithms -ones with smaller constants- may exist). |
Analyzing Collection Classes |
Analyzing a collection class is a bit of an art, because to do it accurately
we need to understand how often each of its methods is called.
We can, however, make one reasonable simplifying assumption for most simple
collection classes: we assume that N values are added to the
collection and then those N values are removed from the collection.
This doesn't always happen, but it is reasonable.
So, in the case of simple array implementations of a stack or queue, both "add" methods (push and enqueue) are O(1) (assuming no new memory must be allocated); but the pop remove method is O(1) while the dequeue) remove method is O(N). Because NxO(1) is O(N), and O(N)+O(N) is O(N), adding and then removing N values from the stack collection classes is O(N). Because NxO(N) is O(N2), and O(N)+O(N2) is O(N2), adding and then removing N values from the queue collection classes is O(N2). As another example, look at the array implementation of a simple priority queue, keeping the array sorted. There, the enqueue operation is O(N) because this method scans the array trying to find the correct position (based on its priority; highest priority is at the rear) for the added value. In the worst case, it has a priority lower than any other value, so the entire array must be moved backward to put that value at the front. The dequeue operation is just O(1), because it just removes the value at the rear of the array, requiring no other data movement. Because NxO(N) is O(N2), and NxO(1) is O(N), and O(N2)+O(N) is O(N2), adding and then removing N values from this implementation of a priority queue also has a complexity class O(N2). If we instead enqueued the value on the rear and dequeued by searching through the array for the highest priority value, we would still have one O(N) term and one O(N2) term, leading to O(N2) as the overall complexity class. But, later we will learn how implement priority queues with heaps. Both enqueue and dequeue are O(log2N): worse than O(1) but better than O(N). Thus, adding and then removing N values from this implementation of a priority queue is NxO(log2N) + NxO(log2N) which is O(Nlog2N) + O(Nlog2N) which is O(Nlog2N). So, "balancing" the add and remove operations yields a lower complexity class when both operations occur N times. Finally, when we use an array to store a collection, each time that we double the array we must copy its N values. By doubling the size, we do this only log2 N times when adding N values, for a total of Nlog2N copies; therefore, we can think of each addition as requiring log2N copies (this is called the "amortized cost" of this operation: it really doesn't occur on every add, but when averaged over all the adds it is correct). So, in the case of an array implementation of a stack or queue, both "add" methods are actually O(log2 N). Because NxO(log2 N) is O(N log2 N), NxO(1) is O(N), and NxO(N) is O(N2), The stack class is actually O(N log2 N) for N pushes and pops, while the stack class is actually O(N2) for N enqueues and dequeues. By this calculation, the array implementations have a slightly higher complexity class than those using linked lists. But, because linked lists allocated a new object for every value put in the linked list, the running time of collections using linked lists can actually be higher. We will address this problem again when we cover linked lists. |
Efficiency Pragmatics |
Generally programmers address efficiency concerns after a program has been
written clearly and correctly: "First get it right, then make it fast."
Sometimes (see below) there is no need to make a program run any faster; other
times a program must be made to run faster just to test it (if tests cannot
be performed quickly enough when debugging the program).
Programs should run as fast as necessary; making a program run faster often requires making it more complicated, more difficult to generalize, etc. For example, many scientific programs run in just a few seconds. Is there a pragmatic reason to work on them to run faster? No, because it typically takes a few days to collect the data for the program. As a component in the entire task, the program part is already fast enough. Likewise, programs that require lots of user interaction don't need to be made more efficient: if the computer spends less than a tenth of a second between the user entering his/her data and the program prompting for more, it is fast enough. Finally, in the pinball animation program, if the model can update and show itself in less than a tenth of a second, there is no reason to make it run faster; if it cannot, then the animation will be slowed down, and there is a reason to improve its performance. The most famous of all rules of thumb for efficiency is the rule of 90/10. It states that 90% of the time a program takes to run is a result of executing just 10% of its code. That is, most time in a program's execution is spent in a small amount of its code. Modifying this code is the only way to achieve any significant speedup. For example, suppose a 10,000 line program runs in 1 minute. By the rule of 90/10, executing 1,000 lines in this program accounts for 54 seconds, while executing the remaining 9,000 lines account for only 6 seconds. So, if we could locate and study those 1,000 lines (a small part of the program) and get them to execute in half the time, the total program would run in 27+6 = 33 seconds, which reduces the execution time for the entire program by almost 50%. If instead we could study the other 9,000 lines and get them to execute instantaneously (admittedly, a very difficult feat!), the total program would run in 54+0 = 54 seconds, which reduced the execution time for the entire program by ony 10%. Note that if you randomly change code to improve its efficiency, 90% of the time you will not be making any changes resulting in a significant improvement. Thus, a corollary of the 90/10 rule is that for 90% of the code in a program, if we make it clearer but less efficient, it will not affect the total execution time of the program by much. In the above program, if we rewrote the 9,000 lines to make them as clear and simple as possible (with no regard for their efficiency) and increased their running time by 50% (from 6 to 9 seconds), the total program would run in 54+9 = 63 seconds, which is only a 5% increase in total execution time. |
Profiling |
So, how does one go about locating the 10% of the program that is
accounting for 90% of its execution time?
For large programs, empirical studies show that programmers DO NOT have good
intuition about where this "hot" code is located.
Instead, we should use a tool that computes this information for us.
A profiler is just such a tool.
It runs our program for us (at a greatly reduced speed) but keeps track of
either how many times each line is executed or how much time is spent
executing each line or method (some profilers can collect both kinds of
information, often collecting more information slows down the program by
a larger factor).
Then we can examine the results produced by running a program using a profiler
and learn which code is executing most of the time, and focus on it to
improve the speed of the entire program.
Java has a very simple (but not so useful) built-in profiler. To use it, select Edit from the Metrowerks CodeWarrior toolbar, then select Java Application Release Setting. In the Target Settings Panel, click on Java Target and in the VM Arguments text field, enter -Xrunhprof:cpu=times as is illustrated below. |
When you run your program, you will get an output file called
java.hprof.txt which contains some useful performance information
(beyond the scope of this lecture to explain).
There are commercial products available to evaluate and display the
information collected by a profiler in much more sophisticated ways.
Typically one can speed up a program by a factor of 3-10 very quickly. Further gains are slow, unless algorithms from lower complexity classes can be found. |
Problem Set |
To ensure that you understand all the material in this lecture, please solve
the the announced problems after you read the lecture.
If you get stumped on any problem, go back and read the relevant part of the lecture. If you still have questions, please get help from the Instructor, a CA, or any other student.