Introduction |
In this lecture we will first learn how to declare and visualize variables
storing any type of data (both primitive and reference types).
Then, we will learn a variety of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical,
textual, and state-change) and methods that compute results (produce more
values) from such data.
Along the way, we will introduce new terminology for discussing operators
and methods generally.
Finally, we will learn how to combine literals, variables, operators, and methods (which are like function calls) to build arbitrarily complicated expresions (formulas that Java can evaluate). We being by examining the structure and evaluation process for expressions, including the concepts of operator precedence and operator associativity. Then we will learn how to build oval diagrams: the main analytic tool that we will use to investigate/understand large expressions (along with our knowledge of prototypes). We should understand how to translate complicated formulas into their equivalent Java expressions and verify the translation is correct. |
Declaring Variables |
Programs declare variables to store/remember information; they manipulate
(examine and update) this information when they run.
Simple variables typically store some value input by the user, or some value
calculated by the program from user-inputs.
When a program runs, the values in some of its variables change: thus, the
value stored in a variable can vary as the program runs.
The EBNF rules for variable declaration appear below. Each declaration is a statement -a complete command to the computer- which the computer executes. We will cover many of Java's other statements in the next lecture.
primitive-type <= int | double | boolean | char Declarations are simple statements, which means that they end with a semicolon (see the last rule above). Variables are always declared with a type (e.g., a primitive type like int or a reference type like String), one or more names (an identifier that the programmmer chooses) whic can be optionally initialized to store a specified value. The simplest form of a declaration is int sum; which declares a variable named sum to be of the type int, meaning that sum stores only int values. Again, notice the semicolon ending this statement. When a variable is declared this way, the value that it initially stores is undefined. We will have more to say about what Java does with undefined variables later; it is not a mistake to declare certain variables without initializing them. If we want to declare a variable and at the same time initialize it, we can write something like int gamesPlayed = 0; explicitly telling Java to store zero in this variable initially. In fact, we can declare a few variables in the same declaration: e.g., double angle, magnitude; declares two variables, both of type double and both storing unknown values. In multi-variable declarations, all the variables are declared to be of the same type -the one type that starts the declaration. If we want to declare and initialize multiple variables in a single declaration (using the repetition in the variable-declarators EBNF rule), we must explicity specify the initial value of each variable. For example, int n = 0, sum = 0; initializes each variable to zero. WARNING: int n,sum = 0; initializes sum to zero, but leaves n uninitialized; making this mistake is common for beginning programmers. In fact, Java always executes declarations with multiple variables as a sequence of declarations of single variables. So executing int n,sum = 0; is equivalent to executing int n; then int sum = 0;, which makes this problem obvious. Java imposes a syntax constraint on initialized variables: the type of the variable must be compatible with the type of the expression. We will discuss compatibility more, when we discuss implicit conversions; for now, assume that the two type must be the same. So in the declaration int n = true; although the syntax is correct, the Java compiler will detect and report a syntax constraint error because true (a boolean literal) is not an int value; likewise boolean atCapacity = 0; exhibits the same error. To be truthful, Java will in fact automatically convert an int value into a double if necessary , so double x = 1; is legal, and is treated as equivalently to double x = 1.; More obscurely, Java will automatically convert a char value into an int value (and vice-versa) if necessary. We will learn more about implicit type conversion later in this lecture. Programmers often use line-oriented comments (here called side-bar comments) in declarations to document some interesting facet of a variable that is not captured by even a well-chosen name. For example, in the declarations statements double tankSize; //Gallons double mileage; //Miles/GallonHere the programmer has used the comments to describe the units of the quantity the variable stores. Extending the variable name to tankSizeInGallons is probably making it a bit too long. Note that for this style of declaration/comment, we declare just one variable per declaration statement. Pragmatically, most declarations declare just one variable. |
Drawing Declarations (primitive and reference types) |
Throughout the semester, we will learn a variety of graphic aids to help us
understand the meanings of Java language constructs.
We will start here, learning how to draw simple pictures that illustrate the
meanings of declarations.
Some students don't understand the power of such pictures: but time and time
again these pictures can provide insight into the semantics of the Java
language, as we will see repeatedly.
To illustrate the meaning of a declaration, we draw a box: we label the box on the top left with the variable's type and on the top right with the variable's name; we store the initial value (if any) inside the box; if the declarator specifies no initialization option, we write a question mark inside the box. So, we always write something in each box: a value of the right type or a question mark (not a char or String literal: just a question mark). Ther are two major categories of types in Java: primitive and reference. All primitive types are fixed in the language, named by keywords; we will learn more about, and repeatedly use the primitive types int, double, boolean, and char. All reference types come from class libraries that are written by programmers Right now, the only reference type that we currently know is String, which is declared in the standard Java library. We will learn about other reference types soon, and how to declare our own new reference types a bit later. The String reference type is special, because it is the only one that also has literal values.. The only difference between primitive and reference types is what can appear inside the box in the picture of a variable. Variables declared of a primitive type store values; variables declared of a reference type store references. For a variable of a primitive type, we write in its box either a question mark or a literal of the declared type. For a variable of a reference type, we write in its box either a question mark, the literal value null (usable for all reference types: it means that the variable refers to nothing), or an arrow (called a reference) that leads to an object (an oval labelled by the same type) that stores a collection of data (for Strings, the collection of characters that comprise the String's value). We will learn much much more about primitive and reference types later. For now, it is critical just that you understand, given a declaration, how to illustrate its meaning with a picture. The pictures below illustate the meaning of the following declarations. int a; int b = 0; boolean c = false; String d; String e = null; String f = "Hello";
We will explore such illustrations further when we learn about state-change operators. We will extend such illustration when we learn about methods (which declare parameter variables) and objects (whose classes declare instance variables). |
Operator Prototypes and Signatures (introducing exceptions) |
There are two aspects to describing operators in Java.
<= type So, prototypes start with the type of the result returned by the operator, followed by the operator itself, followed by a pair of parentheses (with the type(s) of the operand(s), if any, separated by commas, on the inside). For example, each of the following lines specifies an operator prototype: int + (int,int) double - (double) int * (int,int) double * (double,double)The first prototype means that when Java adds two ints (with the + operator), the result is an int. The second prototype means that when Java negates a double (with the - operator), the result is a double. The third prototype means that when Java multiplies two ints (with the * operator), the result is an int. The fourth prototype meants that when Java multiplies two doubles (with the * operator), the result is a double. Of course, we already know the semantics/meanings of addition, negation, and multiplication in mathematics, so we do not need to discuss them here. We will soon see prototypes for more interesting operators, such as boolean < (int,int) boolean && (boolean,boolean)The first prototype means that when Java compares two ints (with the < operator), the result is a boolean; you probably already know the semantics of this kind of comparison too. The second prototype means that when Java ands together (that is how the && operator is pronounced) two booleans, the result is a boolean; if you have studied logic or truth tables (which we will do below) you might know the semantics of this operation too (what result is produced from what operands). As we learn these and more operators in Java, we will first present their syntax (with prototypes) and then their semantics (using English and other tools). Finally, some operators specify that they throw exceptions. An operator throws an exception if it cannot correctly compute a result for its operand(s). For example, integer division (the / operator in Java) cannot compute a result if its denominator is zero. A prototype indicates this information by using the keyword throws followed by the identifier ArithmeticException (about which we will learn many more details later). So the prototype for integer division is fully written as int / (int,int) throws ArithmeticException A signature is a subset of the information in a prototype; it includes just the information about the types of operands (not the return type and not the exceptions). We can specify the syntax of a signature formally (reusing some of the EBNF rules written above) as
signature <= operator ([operand-types])
Operator Terminology |
A bit of terminology will make it easier to discuss and explore operators.
Operators in Java |
Java contains a large number of operators, but most fall into only a few categories.
Arithmetic + - * / % Relational == != < > <= >= Logical ! && || State Change ++ -- = += -= /= %= ... Textual +In this lecture we will examine each of these categories of operators, first examining their syntax (with prototypes) and then examining their semantics (using English, operand/result tables, etc.) Although there are other operators in Java, these are by far the most commong and useful ones. |
The + Operator: Add/Catenate |
The + operator is overloaded in Java, with the following arithmetic
int + (int) double + (double) int + (int,int) double + (double,double)Let us take a look at the semantics of each of these prototypes.
The + operator is also a textual operator (called catenate), with the following further prototypes (so it is highly overloaded). Notice that in each case at least one operand is a String and the final result is always a String too. String + (String,int) String + (String,double) String + (String,boolean) String + (String,char) String + (String,String) String + (int,String) String + (double,String) String + (boolean,String) String + (char,String)Semantically, the (String,String) case is the simplest; it builds a String containing all the characters in the first operand followed by all of the characters in the second operand. For example, "Hi"+"Low" evaluates to "HiLow". Next simplest is catenation of a String and char (regardless of the order). For example, 'a'+"String" evaluates to "aString". In the other cases, the value (whether its type is int, double, or boolean) is first automatically converted into an equivalent String and then is catenated to the other operand (which is already a String). For example, 12+" in a dozen" evaluates to "12 in a Dozen" because the int value 12 is first automatically converted into the String value "12". Note that 1+1 results in 2 while "1"+1 and 1+"1" both result in "11". Finally, note that true+" is a boolean" results in "true is a boolean" because the boolean value true is first automatically converted into the String value "true". Using + for catenation is very common in Java, when outputing various types of information to the console. You will become very familiar with this operator soon. |
The - Operator: Negate/Subtract |
The - operator is overloaded in Java, with the following prototypes.
int - (int) double - (double) int - (int,int) double - (double,double)Let us take a look at the semantics of each of these prototypes.
Note that in Java, writing -6 means negate the literal 6. Recall that all literals are non-negative, so -6 technically is not a literal: it is an operator and a literal; still, we will write -6 and often pretend it is a value. Seem confusing? Don't worry about this detail too much: don't let this weird tree stop you from seeing the forest. |
The * Operator: Multiply |
The * (multiply) operator is overloaded in Java, with the following prototypes.
int * (int,int) double * (double,double)Note that unlike + and - there is no unary version of the * operator. Let us take a look at the semantics of each of these prototypes.
Note that unlike mathematics, there is no "implicit" multiplication in Java. Assuming that we declare int A,B; then 3A and 3(A+B) are NOT LEGAL expressions: they would have to be written explicitly with the * operator as 3*A and 3*(A+B). We will study expressions (with arbitrarily complicated combinations of the operators that we are discussing here) later in this lecture. |
The / Operator: Divide |
The / (divide) operator is overloaded in Java, with the following prototypes.
int / (int,int) throws ArithmeticException double / (double,double)Note that like the * operator, there is no unary version of the / operator. Let us take a look at the semantics of each of these prototypes.
Here are the first "nonintuitive" semantics for a Java arithmetic operator. When Java divides two int values (13 by 5) the prototype tells us that the result must be an int. So, Java takes the "mathematical" answer (the one that is intuitive to us) and truncates it (throws away the non-integral part). Only when two double values are divided does Java keep the decimal part in the returned result. Students find this difference strange and nonintuitive; they often aren't careful, when using the / operator in their programs, to distinguish between int and double operands. Finally, if the second operand to the / operator (with int operands) is zero, the operator does not compute a result, but instead throws an exception. Throwing an exception is like throwing up your hands and saying, "I cannot do the computation". At the end of our study of Java statements, we will learn how catch (handle) thrown exceptions, so throwing an exception doesn't mean that the program will stop. The case for the result of the division of two double values is stranger. There is a long and tortured history of how computers should deal with this, and related, problems involving anomalous operations on double values, which was finally resolved in the IEEE 754 standard. We will ignore this issue now, and the problem shouldn't come up in simple programs; but remember that if you print a double and it appears as Infinity, -Infinity or NaN it means you divided by zero. |
The % Operator: Remainder |
The % (remainder) operator is overloaded in Java with the following
two prototypes.
int % (int,int) throws ArithmeticException double % (double,double)
Although most students have never seen this operator in mathematics (but have seen remainders in long division), it is sometimes useful in Java programming (and certainly not that hard to understand, at least in the case of non-negative integers). Therefore, you must know its prototype and semantics for non-negative integers. Obviously the / and % operators (with int operands) are related: we can call / the quotient operator and % the remainder operator. Generally: x%y, when both are non-negative integers, returns the same value as x-(x/y)*y. Two interesting facts are that if we declare x to be an int and store a non-negative value in it, x%10 is the last digit of that number and x/10 is every digit but the last one. For example, if we declare int x = 4125; then x%10 evaluates to 5 and x/10 evaluates to 412. You must be able to understand and use both "division" operators in your program. Finally, as with the / operator, the % operator throws the ArithmeticException if its second operand is zero. |
Relational Operators (for primitive types only) |
Java includes sixth relational operators ( == !=
< <= > >= ).
The first pair are known as the equality operators, the final four are
known as the inequality operators.
The equality operators are overloaded for all pairs of the same
primitive type; the inequality operators operators are
overloaded likewise, except not for the boolean type.
The result produced by each is a boolean value.
While only the prototypes of the == operator are shown below, the
other relational operators have similar prototypes too.
Note the == computes "is equal to" and != computes "is not equal to"; < computes "is less than"; <= computes "is less than or equal to"; > computes "is greather than"; >= computes "is greater than or equal to". boolean == (int,int) boolean == (double,double) boolean == (boolean,boolean) boolean == (char,char)So each relational operator compares two values of the same type and produces a boolean result. We must learn to think of an operator like < just as we would think about an operator like +. Both take two operands and compute a result (in the former case a boolean in the later case some numeric value). So we say 3 < 5 computes the result true just as we would say 3 + 5 computes the result 8. We must learn to think of all Java operators, regardless of their operand and result types, as computing a value in this way. Semantically, these operators work as we would expect on numeric (int and double) values. Again, one can compare boolean values with == and != but not the other four relational operators. For the text type char, the values compare according to their ASCII values: each char value can convert to/from a small int according to the ASCII conversion table. You should certainly NOT memorize the ASCII table, but programmers should know that '0'<'1'<...<'9' < 'A'<'B'<...<'Z' < 'a'<'b'<...<'z' in ASCII. These operators do NOT work in a straightforward way for variables/values of the type String, which you should recall is a class type and not a primitive type. We will discuss later various methods for comparing String values. |
Logical Operators |
Java includes three logical operators ( ! &&
|| ) which are not overloaded: each has just one prototype, with
boolean operands and a boolean result.
The ! operator is read "not"; the && operator is read "and";
the || operator is read "or".
boolean ! (boolean) boolean && (boolean, boolean) boolean || (boolean, boolean)Semantically, these operators are described by the following truth table.
Programmers must memorize these tables to be able to analyze expressions that use these operators. Here are some short-cuts. Note that the result of the && operator is true only when both of its operands are true. Note that the result of the || operator is false only when both of its operands are false. Note that the ! operator just has one operand, so it looks a bit different in the truth table. |
Implicit Conversion |
What is Java to make of 3 + 5.2?
We have seen that the arithmetic + operator has two binary
prototypes, in which either both operands are int or both are
In fact, there are actually two different circuits in computers for
arithmetic: one for adding pairs of ints and one for adding pairs
of doubles.
Every addition must go through one of these two circuits.
Java could just rejectusing this combination of operator and operands. Instead, when Java sees a binary operator with one int operand and one double operand, it automatically converts the int value into a double and then uses the double-operands prototype of +(and its related circuit) to do the addition. This is called implicit conversion. Java does implicit conversion (always int to double) whenever a binary arithmetic operator has different numeric types for its operands. Java performs one other implicit conversion when necessary: a char is implicitly converted to an int (according to its value in the ASCII table). So in 'A'+1, the char 'A' is first implicitly converted to the int 65 so that it can be added to the int 1 finally producing an int result of 66. In fact, in the expression 1.5+'A', 'A' is first implicitly converted to the int 65 and then implicitly converted to the double 65. finally producing an double 66.5 as a result. Finally, the expression '5'-'0' implicitly converts both char values to int (53 and 48 respectively: see the ASCII table) and then performs subtraction: the result in this case is the int 5. In fact, if we declare char d = '8'; (or any other character that is a digit), then writing d-'0' results in an int equivalent to the digit (in this case 8). Note that the ASCII value of '8' is 56 and of '0' is 48. Collectively, these implicit conversion are called promotion, which always works in just one way: char promoted to int promoted to double. No promotion loses information: every char can be represented as an equivalent int and every int can be represented as a equivalent double. Notice that the remaining primitive type, boolean, plays no part in promotion. |
State-Change Operators (primitive types) |
Most operators in Java just examine their operands and produce a result
(e.g., * produces a result that is the product of its two operands).
But, there is a special category of Java operators that not only produce a
result, but also change the state of one of its operands (which is
restricted, by a syntax constraint, to be the name of a variable).
Operators in this category are called state-change operators.
The most common state-change operator in Java is the = operator. The = operator (known as the assignment or stores operator) is overloaded for each of the primitive types that we know in Java, with the following prototypes. int = (int , int) double = (double , double) boolean = (boolean, boolean) char = (char , char)For these binary operators, Java restricts the first operand to be the name of a variable: so x=0 is a legal expression but 0=x is illegal, according to this restriction. Semantically, the value of the right operand (which can be any expression) is stored into the variable specified by the left operand (which is restricted to be a variable name), and this value is also the result of the expression. So, we can use state-change operators to change the state (value) stored in any variable. For example, if we declare int x = 0; and then evaluate the expression x = x+1 Java first computes x+1 (we will soon learn that = has is lower precedence than +, so the + operator is evaluated first) whose result is 1, then Java uses the = operator, which changes the value stored in x to 1; the result (of the entire expression) is 1 also. Unlike mathematics, writing x=y has a very different meaning than writing y=x. The first expression changes the variable x to store the current value in the variable y; the second changes the variable y to store the current value in the variable x. Again, only the value stored in the first operand (which must be a variable) changes. If necessary, Java uses implicit conversion with this operator too, converting the type of the right operand before storing its value in the left operand. For example, if we have declared double x; then writing x = 5 stores into x the value 5. (recall that implicit conversion -aka promotion- from int to double is allowed). Note that the Java compiler will not allow int x; then writing x = 5.4 because it will not implicitly convert a double to an int (doing so implicitly would lose all the information after the decimal point).
Java includes a grab-bag of other (two character) state-change
operator: int += (int,int) double += (double,double) char += (char,char)As with other state-chance operators, there is a syntax constraint that the first operand is the name of a variable. Semantically, the expression x+=e is a simpler way to write x = x+(e) (and similarly for the operators -= *= /= and %= ). So x+=2 computes x+2 and then stores the result into x; this new result is also the resuklt of the entire expression: it is equivalent to x=x+2. Finally, Java includes two very special operators ++ and -- (which increment and decrement variables by 1). Both operators can be used in a prefix or postfix form; they are overloaded for the following types ( and the are restricted to operate on variables names only (we cannot write 1++). int ++ (int) int -- (int) double ++ (double) double -- (double) char ++ (char) char -- (char)Semantically, for both prefix and postfix ++ the value of the variable gets incremented by 1; if the ++ is written before the variable (a prefix operator), the result of the operator is the NEW/CURRENT value stored in the variable; if the ++ is written after the variable (a postfix operator), the result of the operator is the OLD/ORIGINAL value stored in the variable. Likewise for -- which subtracts 1 (decrements) from its variable. If the variable is of type char it is changed to store the character one higher (for ++) and one lower (for --). So, if we declare int x=0, y; and then write y = x++ then x is incremented from 0 to 1, but its result produced by this operator is 0 (the old/original value stored in x), which is stored into y, and this value (0) is the result of the entire expression. If we instead write y = ++x then x is incremented from 0 to 1, and its result is 1 (the new/current value stored in x) which is stored into y, and this value (1) is the result of the entire expression. While the prefix/postfix distinction for these operators may seem strange, they are both useful and we will see important uses of each soon. To illustrate state change operators, we often use before/after pictures (the same kind of pictures used to illustrate variable declarations). For example, we can illustrate the meaning of x=y as follows.
= vs == |
When programming, we must be careful to distinguish the = operator
from the == operator (many people pronounce both as "equals",
leaving it to the hearer to disambiguate which from context; more careful
Java programmers pronounce the second "equals equals" or "double equals").
After a few weeks using each, they won't seem so confusing.
As we have just learned, = is a state change operator: it changes the state of its left operand (which must be a variable) to store the value of its right operand (a value of the same type, or a value derived by implicit conversion); its result is also the value stored. Thus, a expression such as x = x+1 serves to increment the value stored in x by 1 (yes, there are other ways to do this as well). On the other hand, == is not a state change operator: it compares the two values of its operands (which must be of the same type, but neither has to be a variable), and its result is always of type boolean; it changes neither operand. An expression such as x == x+1 is syntactically legal, but completely useless: it always computes the value false and has no other effect (it changes no states of any variables involved). Confusing = and == is common. Be on the lookout for such mistakes, which can cause subtle bugs in your programs. In many cases the Java compiler will issue a warning if it suspects you have misused one of these operators (we will see examples in the next lecture) |
Mathematical Methods |
We can use a variety of mathematical methods (Java's name for
functions) in Java by using the Math class (we will examine how to
read classes soon, and write classes a bit later in the course).
We will specify the syntax of methods also by using prototypes (just as we
did with operators).
But instead of operator tokens, these methods are named by a class name
(e.g., Math) followed by the period separator, followed by the method
When we learn more about classes, we will discuss this naming convention
Here is a sampling of the prototypes of some useful methods in the
Math class.
int Math.abs (int) double Math.abs (double) int Math.min (int,int) double Math.min (double,double) int Math.max (int,int) double Math.max (double,double) double Math.pow (double,double) double Math.sqrt (double) double Math.log (double) double Math.exp (double) double Math.cos (double) double Math.sin (double) double Math.tan (double) double Math.random ()Semantically
The random method is interesting because it is the first one that we have seen whose prototype specifies no operands. Yet, we still must call it with parentheses, as we must for all methods: Math.random(), which will effectively return a different, random, result each time that it is called. Note that none of these methods are state-change methods; they produce values but do not change what is stored in any variables used as operands. So, given int a = 3, b = 4; then Math.max(a,b) also results in the int 4, and neither a nor b changed: they still store 3 and 4 respectively. In fact, the Java programming language prohibits writing methods that change the states of their operands: this is a bit too subtle to understand here, but we will examine this statement and its ramifications soo.
Input/Output |
Java uses two methods for outputing information onto the console:
print and println.
These methods have funny prefixes: System.out.
When we learn more about classes and fields, we will discuss these prefixes
For now, scan the overloaded prototypes of these methods.
void System.out.print (int) void System.out.print (double) void System.out.print (boolean) void System.out.print (char) void System.out.print (String) void System.out.println() void System.out.println(int) void System.out.println(double) void System.out.println(boolean) void System.out.println(char) void System.out.println(String)A void return type means that the method performs a command/action (in this case displaying something on the console) only: there is no resulting value that is returned. If I ask my son what he did in school today, I expect him to answer; if I ask him to clean up his room, I expect no answer (I actually don't expect him to clean up his room either, but that has to do with the semantics of my son). Each of the print methods displays a value in the console window and stays on the same line (so any subsequent output will continue to be displayed on that same line). Each of the println methods displays a value in the console window and then goes to the beginning of the next line. In fact, writing just System.out.println() in a program (supplying no operands to the method call) will print nothing and go to the beginning of the next line. So System.out.print("A"); System.out.println("B"); System.out.println("C"); System.out.print("D"); System.out.print("E");displays the output AB C DEwith the next output following on the same line after E We can also accomplish the equivalent by carefully using the newline escape characters: System.out.print("AB\nC\nDE"); We frequently use the catenation operator (which always produces a String) inside these methods: e.g., if we declare int gamesPlayed = 0; and then give the command System.out.println("Games Played so far: " + gamesPlayed);Java will print Games Played so far: 0. The Prompt class contains a variety of methods for inputing information. The prototypes for the simplest of these methods (there are more) are int Prompt.forInt (String) int Prompt.forInt (String,int,int) double Prompt.forDouble (String) char Prompt.forChar (String,String) String Prompt.forString (String)In each case, the String operand specifies a message that the user sees, prompting him/her as to what information to enter. Prompt.forInt is overloaded; its second version allows the programmer to specify the smallest and largest allowable values (if the user inputs a value outside this range, he/she is reprompted). Likewise, the second String in the Prompt.forChar method specifies all the characters that the user is allowed to enter (if the user inputs a value outside this range, he/she is reprompted). A typical use of a prompt method in a program might be in the initialization part of a declartion. int cashToBet = Prompt.forInt("Enter amount of Cash to Bet"); char action = Prompt.forChar("Action: w=withdraw d=deposit","wd"); |
Experiment |
If you have questions about operators, write a tiny program to perform an
experiment to test your understanding (like performing a small physics or
chemistry experiment).
For example, what happens if you try to "add" two characters?
Here is the simple code to put in a program to perform this experiment.
System.out.println('A'+'B');Can you guess what answer is printed; if the answer is different from the one you expected, can you revise your understanding of implicit conversion and the semantics of the + operator to reconcile the result produced? It is important to get into the habit early of not being shy about running experiments on the computer, even if they are as simple as this one. In fact, thinking of the simplest experiment to perform to check some Java features requires a deep understanding of programming. As I've been learning Java, I've run hundreds of these small experiments (including many for some of the more technical points in this lecture). |
The Structure and Evaluation of Expressions |
In this section we begin our examination of how to build simple and
complicated expressions from literals, variables, operators, and methods.
The EBNF rules specifying the structure of expressions are overly
complicated, so instead we will just describe their syntax in English
(one of the few times we shall do so).
Here are the three structural rules for expressions; each rule concerns
the syntax of legal expressions (and their type).
For each syntax rule there is a companion semantic rule for evaluating expressions.
For example, assume that we declare int x = 3; in a program and then want to determine whether the expression 3*x+1 is a legal expression (and what its resulting type and value is). The entier proof follows.
Oval Diagrams |
To illustate that we understand how Java structures and evaluates our
expressions (and more importantly, to give us a tool to analyze and debug
incorrectly written expressions), we will study how to illustrate an
expression as an Oval diagram.
As we write expressions with many operators/methods mixing many types, this
tool will become more and more important.
To create an oval diagram, first circle (or draw an oval around) every literal and variable in the expression. These expressions are like atoms in chemistry: they contain no smaller constituents. Next, label their types on top and label their values (if you know them) on the bottom. Then, draw an oval around each operator (or method) and its operands; label the type with the result type of the matching prototype for that operator, and label the bottom with the result value (if you know how to compute it from its semantics). Note that even if we do not know the values stored in variables, we can still produce an oval diagram that verified the legality of an expression; we just cannot determine what value it computed. The outermost oval is labelled by the type of the entire expression. Here is an example of an oval diagram for the previously discussed expression: 3*x+1
Operator Precedence and Associativity |
Examine the oval diagram below.
It has exactly the same tokens as the oval diagram above, but the ovals are
a bit different.
They both seem to "follow all the rules" for forming/evaluating expressions,
but the ovals are in different positions, and they ultimately produce
different results.
The questions are: which oval diagram is correct (which is the way Java
analyzes expressions) and what extra rules do we need to know about to
construct correct oval diagrams?
The answers have to do with the concepts of "operator precedence" and
"operator associativity": which operators take precedence over other
operators (which operators are circled/evaluated first) in an expression.
We will learn that we can also use parentheses to override the standard
operator precedence when we need to.
Here is an operator precedence/association table that includes all the
operators that we have learned so far (there are more in Java, and we will
learn just a few more in this course).
The rules for using these tables on expressions are
In the expression below 3*(x+1) the subexpression x+1 appears in parentheses. Again, we start by circling all literals and variables. Then we see two consecutive operators, but this time the second one is in parentheses. By rule O3, we must handle all the operators inside the parentheses first (circling the + operator first) and then circling the * operator last, after its operand has been circled. This complete this oval diagram.
In fact, the parentheses themselves are suggestive of two sides of an oval; you can always draw ovals around parenthesized expressions: they can be used to represent the result computed by the last operator inside the parentheses. |
Common Mistakes |
Note that in the expression A / B*C it looks like
A is being divided by the product B*C, but both operators
have the same precedence, and are left associative, and all the redundant
white space is meaningless once we have tokenized the expression (which is
exactly what Java does first).
So, this expression is equivalent to (A/B)*C and not A/(B*C).
If a formula has the product of B and C in the denominator,
then according to the rules of operator precedence and associativity, we
must use parentheses in the denominator.
Some students, in an attempt to avoid parentheses, write this expression as
A/B/C, but I think that this form is uglier and harder to
Next, examine the following four expression that each attempt to compute the volume of a sphere with radius r. The only difference among these expressions are the types of the literals used (the ones without decimal points are int and the ones with decimal points are double). Assume that we have already declared double pi = 3.1416; 4./3.*pi*Math.pow(r,3.) 4./3*pi*Math.pow(r,3.) 4 /3.*pi*Math.pow(r,3.) 4 /3*pi*Math.pow(r,3.)If we assume double r = 2.;, the correct answer is 33.510314. This answer is computed by ALL BUT the bottom right expression. In all the correct expressions, every operator has operands that are double or implicitly converted to double. But in the bottom right expression, two ints are divided first, creating an int result, which is only then implicitly converted to a double before multiplying by the double variable pi (note 1 -> 1. shows exactly where and when the implicit conversion occurs in the oval diagram below). The final result is an incorrect answer. Thus, we can use oval diagrams not only to compute the type/value of an expression, we can use them to debug incorrectly formed expressions. |
One correct version of this expression (also involving implicit conversion,
but at theright time and place) appears below.
Note that there is NO integer division in this expression.
When combining relational and logical operators, it is very easy to make
Our generally good intuition about arithmetic operators does not easily
extend to these other kinds of operators, which are not themselves in
the standard mathematics we've learned.
For example, suppose that we want to determine whether an int variable named x is between 0 and 10 inclusive. If we evaluate such an expression with x storing 5 the result should be true; if we evaluate such an expression with x storing 20 the result should be false. Let's examine the following expression, which looks like good mathematics, with oval diagrams to see if it is correct: 0 <= x <= 10
Here the expression has two <= operators (therefore they have the same precedence), and they are left associative (like the plus operators in a+b+c). So, Java evaluates the left operator first, which has a boolean result; but when it tries to evaluate the right operator, Java cannot find a prototype for it, even with implicit conversion (boolean values don't implicitly convert to anything). Thus, although this expression makes perfect sense to us, using notations from mathematics, it will be rejected by Java (at least it won't be a more subtle error, as was implicit conversion in the previous example). The correct expression to test this condition is 0 <= x && x <= 10, whose oval diagram is shown below for the two given examples.
Notice that there is no need for implicit conversions in this expression. Generally, implicit conversion can lead to all kinds of errors, and should be avoided. When analyzing oval diagrams, play close attention to any implicit conversion and study carefully whether it always works correctly.
The following complicated oval diagram analyzes the expression
Notice the precedence of these operators and the use of parentheses to force evaluation of the inner = operator (lowest precedence) before the < operator. We will examine various more complicated expressions (including others having multiple state-change operators) in class and learn how to apply these rules to create oval diagrams for them. It is best for you to see the process, rather than static pictures. Make sure you are there, awake, and paying attention. |
Explicit Conversion (casting) |
Sometimes it is useful to convert a value from one type to another.
But, we should make the conversion explicit, not implicit.
This is called casting in Java.
Notice that casting is considered a high precedence operator (higher
precedence than all the unary).
For example, it is sometimes the case that a program declares a few int counters, and then must compute ratios of these counters; to avoid the truncation that occurs with int division, we can explicitly convert an int value into a double. For example, suppose that we declared int attendance = 78, capacity = 100; Writing (double)attendance/(double)capacityfirst converts each int value into a double (but there are no state-changes in the variables converted) and then performs double division on these values, computing an exact double answer without truncation (78. Of course, writing either (double)attendance/capacity or attendance/(double)capacity would work too; if one of /'s operands is a double then Java will implicitly convert the other to a double. We might as well write both casts, though, to make all the conversions that occur more clear. Note that (double)(attendance/capacity) does NOT do the job. It first performs integer division, so it is equivalent to (double)(0) whose result is 0. Sometimes casts are necessary to satisfy syntax constraints. Suppose that we wanted to generate a random integer between 1 and 6 and store it in the variable named choice. We CANNOT write int choice = 1 + 6*Math.random(); In this expression Java would implicitly convert 6 to a double to perform the multiplication (returning a double result), and then Java would implicitly convert 1 to a double to perform the addition (returning a double result); finally, we cannot store a double value into an int variable. Instead, we can write this expression correctly as int choice = 1 + (int)(6*Math.random()); In this case, the compiler will report no syntax constraint error because we have explicitly casted (6*Math.random()) to an int Thus, the value ultimately stored in choice is a integer from 1 to 6 inclusive. Casting does not change the values stored in any variables. Write an oval diagram for the expression above, and compute the result stored into choice for different random numbers between 0 (which can be generated) and 1 (which cannot be generated); try a few values including 0 and something a tad less than 1. Use other oval diagrams to understand why 1 + 6*(int)Math.random() and 1 + (int)6*Math.random() do not always compute correct results. Does (int)(1 + 6*Math.random()) work; use an oval diagram to find out. |
Expression Pragmatics |
Write expressions correctly (for computers) and clearly (for people,
including yourself).
Use suggestive spacing, redundant parentheses, or both to clarify (for the
person) the meanings of complicated expressions.
Also, use literals of the correct type to avoid implicit conversion (which often leads to hard-to-find errors). If you want conversion to occur, use casting to make it explicit: doing so doesn't change how Java evaluates the expression (implicit conversion and casting both do the same thing) but for anyone reading the program, the expression will be easier to understand. You can check the expressions you write by analyzing them with oval diagrams, evaluating them for a few different values to ensure that they compute the right answers. Don't cast literals; when I see students write (double)5 it pains me greatly: use 5. instead. |
Problem Set |
To ensure that you understand all the material in this lecture, please solve
the the announced problems after you read the lecture.
If you get stumped on any problem, go back and read the relevant part of the lecture. If you still have questions, please get help from the Instructor, a CA, a Tutor, or any other student.