The names have been erased to protect the innocent.
Last updated: 7/2/2006
From: ????? <???> To: Date: Dec 25, 2005 3:23 PM Subject: Dec 29th Mr. Riley-- I will try not to waste your time but I thought I could at least try to contact you. I am from Leavenworth, Kansas and I have been watching Wayne Simien play ball since he was in high school. It would be an incredible experience if you could please let him get some PT in the upcoming game against the Pistons; I have tickets and I am going not only as a Miami Heat fan but to support my favorite NBA player, Wayne. Thank you for your time. Merry Christmas and God Bless,
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:34:14 GMT From: "???" <???> To: well...if givin the chance...i would devote my life...all my time and make a difference in ur current team situation...for a little..or no pay....just to prove my self and what im capable of....24 years old basketball junkie.
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 17:17:19 -0800 (PST) From: "???" <???> To: Are you a Miami heat head coach Pat Riley? Dear Pat Riley On Jan 6,2003 at Oakland gym, I watched your team play basketball with Glden state warriors. This was the first time I watched them. I was a spectator. I was sitting across from you. I wore a white turtle neck sweater. My hair was black and very long. It was beautiful.You impressed me. I think,You are a very handsome and succesful man. Until now, I cannot stay calm. I am from china. My childhood was spent in Japan. I am a daughter of a minister( government). I got undergraduate degree in economics in china. I like sport. I was a high jumper. I like basketball, I like to play ping pong ball, I like swimming, I like music. I like to play harmonica; I like to dance, I have gotten prize for dancing in the middle school. I like singing too ............... I look forward to meeting you. I look forward to your reply. My email address is: ??? Sincerely ???
From: ??? <???> Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 22:33:53 EST To: Dear Coach: I am in the Air Force and recently came upon a phrase that I believe is worth patenting, but I don't know how to go about it. Any suggestions from your experience with 'threepeat?' Thanks! Sincerely, ???
From: "???" <???@EMAIL.MSN.COM> To: <PRILEY+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 14:24:36 -0800 I am sure we can all agree that weekend sport analyst exist; that can tell coach's what they should have done correctly. But this is not the case here. I have never seen any one who cries as a coach, than yourself. You have more excuses for your players inability and drive to be a champion. If you really reviewed film against the Chicago Bulls you would truly see the difference between physical play and intentionally initiating physical play, due to inability's to match up with an opponent skill wise. Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time. And your team is not the first to try and muscle, physically wear down or intentionally cause harm. So suck up the verbal mush you are spiting out and find a way to win we ability.
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 22:23:16 -0500 From: ??? <???> To: Mr. Riley, I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed The Winner Within. As a manager of a group of sales professionals, your insights and methods have been most helpful to me and our team. While I must admit that I'm not a big fan of the Heat (I live in Toronto therefore root for the Raptors), I remain a big fan of yours. Keep up the great work and hoping to see another book from you in the near future. A fan in TO.
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 97 05:32:18 EDT From: "???" <???@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU> To: Pat Riley, I am a Central Michigan University student, I live in Ft.Lauderdale, FL. I saw a comment you said in the papers, when I was over the internet. You said you didn't come down here to coach in Broward, you came to coach in Miami. Now I have been up here in Michigan, and probaly don't know the whole story, but it kind of hurts to hear you say that, because all of South Florida loves the Heat. Its like when I came home for Christmas break, I always here you say, the people down in Miami should be proud. Its people outside of Miami, like in Ft.Lauderdale that is very proud too. I probably don't understand what you meant by what you said, that is why I would like you to e-mail me back. Now I know you are a busy man, and probably doesn't have the time, but I would appreciate it so much if you can. I undestand what you meant when you said the business things should be ran in Miami. It just makes everything organize. I know it is playoff time, so you probably isn't going to have the time to e-mail me back. So I will give you my home address, because my e-mail is at school in Michigan. My home address is 751 N.W. 13TH Terrace, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33311. I will be in school until May 1, 1997. I am a big fan of yours Pat Riley, and I love what you are doing with the Miami Heat. Good Luck in the Playoffs. Go Heat. ???