PoP Seminar Series

Date Speaker Title
2025/02/03 Aws Albarghouthi Synthesizing Quantum-Circuit Compilers
2024/09/20 Cameron Freer Computability and Symmetry in Probabilistic Programming
2024/05/20 Joël Ouaknine The Skolem Landscape
2024/04/18 Jesse Michel Distributions for Compositionally Differentiating Parametric Discontinuities
2024/04/12 Adam Chlipala First-Principles Formal Verification of Cryptographic Systems
2024/03/19 Ohad Kammar Type-driven foundations for statistical modelling
2024/02/01 Wonyeol Lee Bridging the Theory and Practice of Continuous Computations
2023/11/10 Andrew Miner RexBDDs: Reduction on Edge, Complement, and Swap Binary Decision Diagrams
2023/11/02 Stefan Muller Static prediction of parallel computation graph
2023/10/25 Charles Yuan Building the Tools to Program a Quantum Computer
2023/10/05 Stephen Brookes A denotational framework for relaxed memory concurrent programs
2023/09/28 Joshua Gancher Owl: Compositional Verification of Security Protocols via an Information-Flow Type System
2023/09/26 Stephanie Balzer Types for Verifying Concurrent Programs
2023/09/08 Steffan Sølvsten I/O-Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures
2023/09/08 Emanuele D'Osualdo Proving Hypersafety Compositionally
2023/06/22 Daniel Kroening Automated Reasoning at Amazon
2023/06/14 Jules Jacobs Higher-Order Leak and Deadlock Free Locks
2023/06/08 Georg Moser Automated Expected Cost Analysis of Splaying et al.
2023/05/18 Hazem Torfah Synthesizing Pareto-Optimal Interpretations for Black-Box Models
2023/04/18 Ron Minsky Making OCaml Safe for Performance Engineering
2023/02/22 Ugo Dal Lago From Equivalences to Metrics, Effectfully
2023/01/30 Chaitanya Koparkar The Gibbon Compiler: Efficient data representation and program correctness, pick two
2022/12/08 Kristin Yvonne Rozier From Design Time To Run Time: Formal Methods for Ensuring the Safetyof Safety-Critical Aerospace Systems
2022/11/28 Bas van den Heuvel A Propositions-as-Sessions Interpretation of Bunched Implications
2022/11/10 Michael J. Sullivan Replacing SQL and Improving on the Relational Database Model
2022/11/04 Michael Sammler DimSum: A Decentralized Approach to Multi-language Semantics and Verification
2022/10/25 Luis Caires Concurrent Programming with Sessions and Shared State, in Linear Logic