Make a git repository for your project as described in the handout.
Create a select()-based echo server with support for multiple concurrent clients.
Test using our provided test script (read that script and understand it too)
Submission is in the form of a tarball (see handout) which must be uploaded to Autolab by September 9 (cut off is midnight).
To aid you in programming an echo server, and testing it, we have prepared
this starter package for you.
This code needs to be modified to use select() as well as adding support for multiple clients
at once.
Files we expect to see:
Makefile - make sure nothing is hard coded specific to your user; should build a 'lisod' file which runs the echo server
All of your source code - all .c and .h files
readme.txt - file containing a brief description of your current implementation of lisod
tests.txt - file containing a brief description of your testing methods for lisod
vulnerabilities.txt - identify at least one vulnerability in your current implementation
Last updated: 2016-09-02 17:21:43 -0400
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