Angular velocity and acceleration, and Momentum and impulse.


1 ½ to 6 years old.


A child can either push or foot-pedal this vehicle.  As its wheels turn, it causes the balls in the clear plastic dome to pop around like popcorn in a popcorn popper.  A child can also simulate the turning off and on of the vehicle’s own headlights.  By pressing up on the lever next to the wheel, yellow gel paper lowers in front to cover the white, which already exists, causing an off and on light effect. 


Cost for this product ranges anywhere from 23- 29 dollars.  The entire vehicle will be made of plastic and be easy to mass-manufacture.  Due to the sturdiness of the components of the vehicle, it will be durable and long lasting.  The only attention to detail may be excessive force on the wheels causing them to wear and tear; however, most likely, the wheels will outlast their owner. 


Precaution need only be taken in the event that the child falls on the vehicle.  The lever, for this reason, will have a round plastic end rather than be thin and sharp.


Shalyn Davis
