Project 1, ToyConcept 1

Allison Spare

Archway Building Blocks

About Archway Building Blocks:

The Fundamental Physical Principle that the Toy is Based On and How it Works:

These new building blocks help children understand the concept of freestanding archways without any supports. While playing with normal sets of blocks children learn that they can set two blocks upright and place one block across the two, this concept helps build higher and better towers. But what does the child do if the two supporting blocks are too far apart for a single one to fit across? The solution to this problem is to use the Archway Building Blocks set. While playing with this toy, children learn that it is possible to place several keystone-shaped blocks next to each other to form a freestanding arch. They learn the importance of the central keystone and how the structure falls without it in place. With a variety of sizes for these blocks, the kids can learn how to form wide or narrow, short or tall arches.

Why the Toy...

Is Interactive and Fun:

The toy is fun because every child loves to play with building blocks, and especially loves to see them fall down. Through playing with the blocks used in building the semi-circular arch, kids gain an understanding of how each block pushes against the ones next to it in order to support the whole arch freely. Even if the child doesn't want to use the keystone shaped blocks for building arches, he can use the regular blocks that are included in the set to make walls, towers, bridges, etc.

Is Durable and Safe:

These building blocks are incredibly safe. They are a large size, the smallest dimension will not be any shorter than 6", and they are very light. Larger blocks will have dimensions of 1' x1' x1.5' or 1' x 1' x 2'. The material that these blocks will be made out of will be cardboard or foam, that way they are very light and any child can move them around. Also, if children throw the blocks at each other, they would not be harmed. Because of the size of the blocks, there isn't a choking hazard. If the blocks were made from cardboard, they would be hollow with strong, supportive sides that aren't easily dented. Otherwise they could be made from solid chunks of foam.

Attracts the Child's Attention:

With normal large building blocks, children can create walls. With these blocks a child can create a doorway in addition to the walls, which according to their imagination could be the entrance to an enchanted castle or a secret doorway to a fiery dungeon.

Allows for Cooperative Play with Groups of Children:

It is imperative that children work together as a team in order to create an arch out of these blocks. Each block is large, approximately 1' by 1' by 1.5'; therefore, at least two children are needed to support the blocks forming the arch on either side of the central keystone before that piece is in its place.

Recommended Age Group for these Blocks:

This toy is suitable for all age groups. Toddlers can play with the regular blocks and parents will not have to worry about the pieces being too small. However, elementary school children are the ones who would learn to use the arches while they play with the toy. In my opinion, these blocks probably won't interest children over the age of 10.

Construction Costs:

The cost of creating these blocks would be very low. The company would need to pay for the material that the blocks will be made out of, the cost of operating machinery to cut the material into different shaped pieces and the cost of packaging.