Plush Giant Nomura Jellyfish

Sketch 1: Plush Giant Nomura Jellyfish
About the Toy

The Giant Nomura jellyfish is a recent finding amongst Japanese and Korean waters.
These jellyfish in real life have been found to ruin most fishermens' prized catch
of the day and as a result are causing negative profits in the fisheries industry. Since
the Japanese are famous for their innovation and manufacturing practices, a plush
version of this globular sea creature is being presented as a new "cool" toy to be
produced in the Toy market. This toy would generally appeal to all ages, but targeted more towards children between the ages of 3-10.

Principle and Interaction of Toy:

This toy is based on the principle of sympathetic interfaces. The plush giant nomura
jellyfish has a sympathetic interface as it's physical interface and can be regarded as
inviting and friendly to young children, due to it's cute and furry appearance. The
child, when playing with this toy, will be motivated to manipulate it and perhaps
develop a minor emotional contact with it. In addition, whilst playing with
the toy, the child might also gain knowledge of sea creatures and further his
or her understanding of marine invertebrates.

Brief discussion of construction cost, durability and safety:

The toy is constructed using a 5 step process which goes through choosing shell
fabrics, cutting of the shell fabric, sewing of the fabric, assembling the toy and
finally, adding the finishing for the toy. Construction costs are approximated at
$1 per toy, with a retail value of $10 per toy. As with most plush fabricated
objects, the toys are double stitched for extra durability and are expected to be
tolerant to wear and tear for upto 5 years. Adhering to ISO manufacturing
standards, the toys will be made out of non-toxic materials and will have to pass
upto 5 different safety tests according to CEN (European Comittee for
Standardization) international safety standards.