Radio-Controlled Destructible Car

Under Construction

Sketch of toy concept

This toy is an advanced version of a radio/remote controlled car used by children over the age of 5. This design takes advantage of the destructive nature of younger children by incorporating multiple parts which react to the natural environment. The car is built from a main frame, which contains all of the moving parts, including the electrical engine and steering mecahanisms. Attached to the chasis, are multiple exterior plastic pieces which are loosely connected. When the car experiences a great amount of physical stress, these exterior pieces may become detached. So, when a child orders the car into a wall or down a flight of stairs, for example, the car will behave naturally and will take damage, perhaps losing a wheel or a door. All of the external pieces are reattachable, allowing the car to be assembled back to its original condition.

Car Demonstration

Scroll Over to see the car in action!

Through the use of this toy, the child gains an understanding of recationary forces and, by reassembling the car pieces, an understanding of the mechanical attachment of parts.

The chasis of the car would be sturdy in design and construction to ensure that it would be able to withstand the effects of multiple collisions. Each of the external pieces would be made of a durable plastic. Due to the risk of toddler choking on the smaller external parts, the toy would be recommended for children 5 and up.


Toy concept 2 | Toy concept 3

Ryan Yates
Carnegie Mellon University
January 23, 2007