Code Examples
Sound Examples
Video Examples
Emma Speaks, Scene 1
Emma Speaks, Scene 2
Emma Speaks, Scene 3
Emma Speaks, Scene 4
Emma Speaks, Scene 5
Emma Speaks, Scene 6
Emma Speaks, Scene 7
Emma Speaks, Scene 8
Emma Speaks, Scene 9
Sonification Examples
of Scientific Data Sonification with Nyquist
Atonal Music Tools by Jorge Sastre
Jorge Sastre has written a number of pieces using Nyquist and SAL.
Using a fairly compact program, he obtains very interesting results.
The examples here illustrate a trio for flute, clarinet, and bassoon.
The files include
SAL code along with
rendered output: a simple
MIDI file,
a PDF version of a score
where the original material was manually refined to create a complete composition, and
a synthesized
rendering of the score.
Prof. Sastre has also contributed a port of John Chowning's
fascinating voice synthesis algorithm using FM synthesis
techniques. Here is a sound example
and here is the Nyquist implementation
by Jorge Sastre>.