First Carnegie Mellon Technology Enhanced Learning Symposium Registration Form Please send this form by surface mail or email to the following before May 3, 1996. TEL Symposium c/o Kay Kowalski School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 FAX: 412-268-5576 EMAIL: I would like to attend the First Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning. Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Company or Institute: _________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________ Country: ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________ Fax: _________________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Would you like us to distribute your name and address information to the other participants? [ ] Yes [ ] No Would you like your URL listed in the Symposium Web pages? [ ] Yes, WWW URL: _____________________________________________________________________ Dinner Type: [ ] Vegetarian [ ] Non-Vegetarian Registration type: [ ] CMU Faculty, Staff, and Students (no fee) [ ] Other, registration fee is $50 Payment should be by check, made out to Carnegie Mellon University.
Please make hotel reservations directly with the Holiday Inn University Center, 412-682-6200. Mention the "Technology Enhanced Learning Symposium" for the discount rate.