Constructive Logic
Spring 2005

Course Information

Time: Tue-Thu 12:00-13:20
Room: 5409 Wean Hall
Instructor: Robert Harper
Credit: 9 units


This multidisciplinary junior/senior-level course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to modern constructive logic, its roots in philosophy, its numerous applications in computer science, and its mathematical properties. Some of the topics to be covered are intuitionistic logic, inductive definitions, functional programming, type theory, computational content of classical logic, intuitionistic linear logic, and constructive modal logic.

Please read the course overview for a more detailed discussion of the course content.

Course Information

Tue-Thu 12:00-13:20 Wean Hall 5409 (Harper)
Section A: Wed 13:30-14:20 OSC 202 (Park)
Section B: Wed 13:30-14:20 SH 214 (McLaughlin)
CS Majors: 15-151, 15-212
Phil Majors: 15-212, either 80-210 or 80-211
Math Majors: 21-127 and one of 21-228, 21-484, 21-373, 21-132
Homework: 50% Midterm: 20% Final: 30%
Homeworks are assigned each Wednesday and due the following Wednesday at recitation.
Late homework will be accepted only under exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangement with the instructor.
Thursday March 3, 2005 (in-class, open notes)
Midterm Solution (2005)
Monday May 9, 2005, 5:30PM - 8:30PM, PH 100 (open notes).
Sample Final (2004)
Home Page
Please use Blackboard to monitor your grades and the course discussion and announcements boards.
Electronic submissions are to be made through the course directory.
Please read the course software page for information on the software we will use in this course.
The references for this course are given on the readings page.
Please see the lectures page for an up-to-date lecture schedule.

Teaching Staff

Name Office Hours Phone
Lecturer Robert Harper Wean Hall 7113 Thu 1:30-2:30 3675
TA Sean McLaughlin Wean Hall 8104 Thu 3:00-4:00 2582
TA Sungwoo Park Wean Hall 8102 Mon 11:30-12:30 3042

Robert Harper
Last modified: Fri Apr 8 15:07:57 EDT 2005

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