Acknowledgements This work was conducted under the auspices of DARPA agrant DAA-1593K0005. The results and opinions reported here are that of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of DARPA or the US government. Joe Mattis helped formulate and implement-ed the SAGE graphical complexity metric. Other members of SAGE project who participated in the design of this system at various points include Jake Kolojejchick, Mark Derthick, Stefan Kerpediej and Nancy Green. Help in preparing some of the figures for this paper came from Donald J. Mulder, Jr. The first author would like to acknowledge helpwith some questions about fuf/surge from Charles Callaway. We are grateful to four anonymous reviewers who helped substantially improve the paper. It goes without saying all remaining errors are solely our fault. References André, Elisabeth and Thomas Rist. 1994. Referring to world objects with text and pictures. In Proceedings of COLING-94, pages 530--534. Appelt, Douglas. 1985. 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Paper Sections:To Title pageTo Part 1: Introduction To Part 2: SAGE: A System for Automatic Graphical Explanations To Part 3: Discourse Strategies for Generating Captions To Part 4: Graphical Complexity: The Need for Clarification To Part 5: Generating Explanatory Captions To Part 6: System Implementation and Evaluation To Part 7: Related Work To Part 8: Conclusions and Future Work To Appendix A | |||