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A note on graphing and metacodes

File -> Open -> mpg.mbl
Edit -> Format -> american -> unused
                  european -> unused
                  asian    -> unused
Edit -> Metacode -> Metacode for Super Users:  L90:SN:{9}

All of the fields in the metacode editor can be expressed in one convenient shorthand string shown at the bottom of the editor. In the string ``L90:SN:{9}'', the 'L' means ``Linear, the '9' is for localness, the '0' is for number of nearest neighbors, the 'S' is for Slow kd-tree, the 'N' is a place holder reserved for future use, and the '{9}' is short for ``all the inputs receive weight 9. Alternatively, we could have specified it as ``L90:SN:999999999'', which lists the 9 for each input separately. Also, the middle part can be left out if ``Slow'' is the desired speed, as in ``L90:{9}.'' From this point on in the tutorial, we will refer to all metacode settings according to this shorthand notation.

Model -> Graph -> Graph type   Predict
                  Dimensions   2
                  x attribute  weight
                  y attribute  displacement
                  Show prediction  ON
                  Show confidence  OFF
                  Show datapoints  ON

When the data set has several inputs or several outputs, we can select which ones to plot for any particular graph.

Model -> Graph -> x attribute [all inputs]
                  y attribute [all inputs]

The first message displayed by Vizier states that a total of 15 graphs will be drawn matching each input with each other input and showing the predicted output. Then the graphs are drawn one after the other. If you do not want to wait for them all to complete, you can hit 'q' to stop part way through.

Jeff Schneider
Fri Feb 7 18:00:08 EST 1997