Herbert A. Simon Award for Teaching Excellence 2023
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
(412)268-8525 . (412)268-5576 (fax)

Teaching is Listening

Daniel L. Anderson

When I first learned that I had been chosen as the recipient of the Herbert A. Simon Award, my initial reaction was a mix of disbelief, bewilderment, an extreme gratitude. Out of all the exceptional teachers at this school that they could pick from, why did they pick me? To those who questionably thought that I was actually worthy of this award, thank you so much for your belief in me, it truly means the world to me.

Teaching at CMU has been the realization of my lifelong dream to inspire and educate. I am deeply grateful to have found such a supportive community of students, colleagues, and friends to share this journey with. Teaching here offers the enriching yet challenging experience of engaging with students from diverse backgrounds, aspirations, and past experiences. I get to teach students who have been participating in math competitions since before I even knew what an algorithm was, all the way to students who were not quite sure what a snake had to do with computer programming until they took 15-112. Here, my role is to make sure that both of these students and every one in between, regardless of their starting point, are provided with the opportunities that they deserve, and the inspiration to thrive and excel.

To me, and this might sound obvious, much of this just boils down to listening. I don't pretend to have a clue on what I am doing or claim to know what is best for them. I just try to listen to them–hear their complaints , their needs, their fears, and their aspirations, then do what I can. The fact that I have had students who entered my class fearing failure and students who breezed through with confidence alike tell me that they loved my class and that it was one of their favourites suggests that I am doing an okay job at this, but I'll never stop trying to be better. To every student who leaves a nice comment, tells me that they liked my class, or just smiles and waves at me in the hall- way because they remember me, you're the reason that I do what I do.

Lastly, as with most achievements, none of what I've accomplished could have been done alone; it's been a collaborative effort. The remarkable team of TAs and tutors for 15-451/651 shares in this award, each member equally if not more deserving than I am. To the lead TAs – Claire, Will, Jonathan, Yoseph, Joel, Bill – who tirelessly work behind the scenes while I stand in the spotlight and steal all the credit, thank you for your unwaver ing dedication and selflessness. To ev- eryone else who has played their part – Abby, Sophie, David, Efe, Hoai-An, Lauren, Nick, David #2, Summit, Randy, Dhruti, Katia, Raaid, Aditya, Andrew, Davis, Emma, Kunal, Magdalen , Suhas – your contributions have been invaluable, and each of you deserves recognition for your part in this achievement.

12 May 2024

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