Programming Assignment 2: Using ns-2

ns-2 is one of the major network simulation programs used in network research, along with opnet and sfsnet. The goal of this programming assignment is to familiarize you with ns and use it to explore TCP's dynamics in more detail. In this assignment, you will examine the way that TCP and some of its variants deal with wireless links.

Below are the files you will need to complete this assignment.

Note on running ns-2 under Windows/cygwin: The instructions on this page are correct, but the version of ns-2 it links to is out of date. The easiest way to get a working version is to update cygwin, install the required packages suggested by that page, and then install the "all-in-one" version 2.32 from this page.

Last updated: Wed Mar 26 18:05:55 EDT 2008 [validate xhtml]