
Generic External Memory for Switch Data Planes


Bibtex Entry:

@inproceedings{2018-Kim-hotnets, author = “Kim, Daehyeok and Zhu, Yibo and Kim, Changhoon and Lee, Jeongkeun and Seshan, Srinivasan”, title = “Generic External Memory for Switch Data Planes”, year = “2018”, month = “November”, isbn = “9781450361200”, publisher = “Association for Computing Machinery”, address = “New York, NY, USA”, url = “”, doi = “10.1145/3286062.3286063”, abstract = “Network switches are an attractive vantage point to serve various network applications and functions such as load balancing and virtual switching because of their in-network location and high packet processing rate. Recent advances in programmable switch ASICs open more opportunities for offloading various functionality to switches. However, the limited memory capacity on switches has been a major challenge that such applications struggle to deal with. In this paper, we envision that by enabling network switches to access remote memory purely from data planes, the performance of a wide range of applications can be improved. We design three remote memory primitives, leveraging RDMA operations, and show the feasibility of accessing remote memory from switches using our prototype implementation.”, booktitle = “Workshop on Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets)”, pages = “1–7”, numpages = “7”, location = “Redmond, WA, USA”, series = “HotNets ‘18” }

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