
Multi-Modal Network Protocols


Bibtex Entry:

@article{2002-Balan-ccr-multimodal, author = “Balan, Rajesh Krishna and Akella, Aditya and Seshan, Srinivasan”, title = “Multi-Modal Network Protocols”, year = “2002”, issue_date = “January 2002”, publisher = “Association for Computing Machinery”, address = “New York, NY, USA”, volume = “32”, number = “1”, issn = “0146-4833”, url = “”, doi = “10.1145/510726.510734”, abstract = “Many of the basic parameters of a ubiquitous computing environment are highly variable. For example, rate of mobility, quality of wireless communication, density of communicating nodes, power constraints and computational constraints all vary greatly from situation to situation. Unfortunately, existing routing protocols, transport protocols and adaptive applications can only adapt in a limited way. One feature that is missing from many systems is the ability to identify gross operating conditions and take on very different modes of operation. Such adaptability would improve the efficiency of many solutions. We use the term multi-modal protocols to describe systems that adapt in this way. We have explored two such systems: Wireless TCP and Overlay Routing.”, journal = “{SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review (CCR)}”, month = “January”, pages = “60”, note = “poster”, category = “[Congestion Control, TCP]”, numpages = “1” }

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