
Mercury: Supporting Scalable Multi-Attribute Range Queries


Bibtex Entry:

@inproceedings{2004-Bharambe-sigcomm, author = “Bharambe, Ashwin and Agrawal, Mukesh and Seshan, Srinivasan”, title = “Mercury: Supporting Scalable Multi-Attribute Range Queries”, year = “2004”, isbn = “1581138628”, publisher = “Association for Computing Machinery”, address = “New York, NY, USA”, url = “”, doi = “10.1145/1015467.1015507”, abstract = “This paper presents the design of Mercury, a scalable protocol for supporting multi-attribute range-based searches. Mercury differs from previous range-based query systems in that it supports multiple attributes as well as performs explicit load balancing. To guarantee efficient routing and load balancing, Mercury uses novel light-weight sampling mechanisms for uniformly sampling random nodes in a highly dynamic overlay network. Our evaluation shows that Mercury is able to achieve its goals of logarithmic-hop routing and near-uniform load balancing.We also show that Mercury can be used to solve a key problem for an important class of distributed applications: distributed state maintenance for distributed games. We show that the Mercury-based solution is easy to use, and that it reduces the game’s messaging overheard significantly compared to a na{\i}ve approach.”, booktitle = “ACM SIGCOMM”, pages = “353–366”, numpages = “14”, keywords = “range queries, random sampling, load balancing, distributed hash tables, peer-to-peer systems”, location = “Portland, Oregon, USA”, month = “August”, category = “DistApps”, series = “SIGCOMM ‘04” }

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