Klaus Sutner

Some random comments, caveat lector.
There are Wittgenstein facts and Kellyann Conway facts. The latter work only for alternative humans.
It is important to recognize that the human brain can only absorb a limited amount of stupidity during a single lifetime. To get to MTG's level of idiocy, one has to start before birth.
For humans, there are two kinds of evolution: biological and cultural. The ones that fail in the second category also doubt the first.
The proverbial person in the street clutches their cellphone, but has no idea what it is they are holding on to.
The thought that human sexuality is justified only in connection with reproduction was always idiotic, in the 21st century it is criminal.
It is remarkable that the loudest and most breathless attestations to the power of human ingenuity come from those who have displayed none.
Economists have decided that the only way to construct a stable economy is to organize it around exponential growth, a catastrophically unstable ingredient.
A discussion of central christian religious tenets such as the holy trinity makes as much sense as a debate on the chirality of unicorn horns.

On a less somber note, I have survived five decades in the martial arts. Barely. I also don't look like this anymore.


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