Hypotheses Lists from Tcl
WARNING: valid only for hypos.c version 1.12 or newer
WARNING: requires itf.c version 1.28 or newer
General Infos:
There are a couple of objects of the type HypoList
as integrated part of each
search object, but you can also
generate them yourself. A single hyposesis of type Hypo
is always part of an object of type HypoList.
You cannot create unattached instances of the type Hypo.
As words are stored as indecees, a list of hypotheses is always defined
over an vocabulary object.
Creating a HypoList object:
HypoList hypolist myvocab
Hypo methods:
- puts
puts returns formated output for a single hypothesis:
optional parameters:
- -style <"simple"|"normal"|"verbose"|"tcl">
- simple: unfiltered string of all words in hypothesis
- normal: normal unfiltered word string succeded
by score and hypothesis-identifier in parentheses.
- verbose: verbose hypothesis format as in JANUS-2
- tcl: nested tcl list with utterance score, words,
word begin and end points
- -id <string>
hypothesis-identifier -- for instance the number in an nbest list.
- puts [hl:0 puts -style normal -id hypo0]
( das ist $ ein Termin ) (hypo0 | score = 0.30)
HypoList methods:
- puts return formated list of hypotheses
puts returns formated output for a list of hypotheses:
optional parameters:
- -style <"simple"|"normal"|"verbose"|"tcl">
- simple: unfiltered strings of all words in each hypothesis,
hyposeses are seperated by a single \n
- normal: normal hypotheses list preceded by %TURN line with
utterance-identifier and each line succeded by score and
- verbose: verbose hypothesis format as in JANUS-2
- tcl: nested tcl list with utterance score, words,
word begin and end points
- -id <string>
utterance-identifier -- this is wat is printed after %TURN:
- setPublish
syntax: <hypo list> setPublish <list of commands>
specify the tcl command list to be used for the method publish:
As tcl user you have to use the method setPublish for each object
of the type HypoList to specify what kind of output you need.
If setPublish is not used for an object, the default routine for
the type HypoList is used : unfiltered, normal output is made to
stdout, and if a filename is given also to filename.
The default behaviour can be changed by
overdefining the tcl procedure publishHypoList {hl args}.
The variable $hl and the array $arg will be defined for you to use.
$hl contains the hypothesis list, $arg is an associative array with
the elements of the list passed to the publish method. The general idea
is very similar to providing preprocessing functions in the
feature module.
- hl setPublish {puts [$hl puts -style normal -uttid $arg(uttid)]}
- hl setPublish @<filename>
- more examples at the end of this file
- publish
make a neat output with your tcl code
- hl publish {{filename test.all} {uttid GBD_001}}
- hl publish {{key1 value1} {key2 value2} {key3 value3}}
- append
append a hypothesis to an existing list
example: hl append hl:0
input from script is in bold, output normal
Vocab vocab ../env-GSST/VM_train_dict.67; # vocabulary
HypoList hl vocab; # create empty object hl
hl append {
{ ( 0.9 0 10 }
{ ja 1.1 11 20 }
{ ) 2.0 21 40 }
}; # append "( ja )"
puts [hl puts]; # tcl output
{( 0.900 0 10}
{ja 1.100 11 20}
{) 2.000 21 40}
puts [hl puts -style simple]; # simple output
( ja )
puts [hl puts -sty normal -id DEMO]; # corresponds to w in v2
( ja ) (0 | score = 4.00)
puts [hl puts -sty verbose -id DEMO];# corresponds to v in v2
hypo 0 (score = 4.00)
( 0.90 0 -> 10
ja 1.10 11 -> 20
) 2.00 21 -> 40
hl publish {}; # using default function
%TURN: unknown
( ja ) (0 | score = 4.00)
hl publish {{uttid DEMO}}; # still using default function
( ja ) (0 | score = 4.00)
hl publish {{uttid DEMO} {filename t.all}}; # still default function
( ja ) (0 | score = 4.00)
same thing is also appended to file t.all
hl setPublish {puts "Hallo"}; # overdefine publish for hl
hl publish; # now it does something else:
hl setPublish {puts "NEXT HYPO:";puts [$hl puts -style simple];}
hl publish
( ja )
hl setPublish {
set fileH [open $arg(filename) $arg(mode)];
puts $fileH [$hl puts -style normal -id $arg(uttid)];
puts [$hl puts -style normal -id $arg(uttid)];
close $fileH;
hl publish {{filename t.all} {mode a} {uttid DEMO_000}}
( ja ) (0 | score = 4.00)
same thing is also appended to file t.all
hl setPublish {
set fileH [open $arg(trunc)_lz$arg(lz)_lp$arg(lp).all a];
puts $fileH [$hl puts -style normal -id $arg(uttid)];
puts [$hl puts -style normal -id $arg(uttid)];
close $fileH;
hl publish {{trunc hypo} {lz 0.3} {lp 0.1} {uttid DEMO_000}}
( ja ) (0 | score = 4.00)
same thing is also appended to file hypo_lp0.3_lz0.1.all
# all these functions will only use filename and uttid and would be
# called with something like
# hl publish {filename test.all} {uttid G127/G127A001_A}
# unfiltered output to filename and stdout (corresponding to wW in JANUS-2)
hl setPublish {
set fh [open $arg(filename) a];
puts -nonewline $fh [$hl puts -style normal -id $arg(uttid)];
puts -nonewline [$hl puts -style normal -id $arg(uttid)];
close $fh;
# filtered output to filename and stdout (corresponding to oO in JANUS-2)
# the filter is in the regsub line.
hl setPublish {
set unfilt [$hl puts -style normal -id $arg(uttid)];
regsub -all \\(\ |\ \\)|\\$\ $unfilt "" filt;
set fh [open $arg(filename) a];
puts -nonewline $fh $filt;
puts -nonewline $filt;
close $fh;
# the default routine provided if setPublish is not set would
# look like this:
hl setPublish {
set uttid unknown;
if [info exists arg(uttid)] {set uttid $arg(uttid)};
puts [$hl puts -style normal -id $uttid];
if [info exists arg(filename)] {
set fh [open $arg(filename) a];
puts $fh [$hl puts -style normal -id $uttid];
close $fh;
# a real wild format to stdout
hl setPublish {
set wildHypoN [$hl configure -hypoN];
puts "here come all hypos in the list:";
for {set i 0} {$i< $wildHypoN} {set i [expr $i+1]} {
set wildHypoScore [$hl:$i configure -score];
set wildHypoWords [$hl:$i puts -style simple];
puts " Hypo Number $i has score $wildHypoScore and the words:";
puts " $wildHypoWords";
If you read this and need more information, write an email to monika@ira.uka.de,
or call ++49 721 608-4732 to complain.