C/Tcl Interface: Using UNIX commands

This page describes some UNIX commands that have been implemented in C such that there is no need to use exec 'command' any more. If you use the name of the command it will be executed directly. The implementations are very simple and cover only the most frequently used basic version of their corresponding UNIX counterparts. If you need a not covered functionality then you will have to use exec 'command' which will use the corresponding UNIX version.

All the commands use the standard command line parsing function and can thus be called with a -help argument.

You are encouraged to use the C implemented commands and avoid using UNIX commands because not all UNIX operating systems have the intelligence to organize their swap pages with a copy-on-write strategy.

All filename-using commands (except touch) do wild-card-expansion, and accept lists of filenames. Touch is a bit complicated, so if you need to touch wild-cards use the glob procedure of Tcl.

All commands catch the system-reported error messages if anything goes wrong, these are converted into Janus error messages and are returned as the command's result.

All commands will run without asking any questions. They are completely non-interactive.