The Sample Set Module - Tcl Usage

This page contains the explanations, usage, and syntax of the methods and the configurable parameters for the SampleSet and SampleSetClass object types.

Creating a SampleSet Object

The command for creating a SampleSet is:
SampleSet <name> <featureSet> <feature> <dimension>
where <name> is the name of the SampleSet object to be created, <featureSet> is the name of the FeatureSet object which contains the <dimension>-dimensional feature space <feature>. This object creation is the same as for the LDA object.

SampleSetClass Methods

SampleSet Methods

Accessing Subobjects

If you know the name of a SampleSetClass subobject of a SampleSet object, then you can access the subobject with the term <SampleSetName>:<SampleSetClassName>. If you don't know the name, but you know the index, then you can access the subobject with the term <SampleSetName>.item(<SampleSetClassIndex>).

Every sample set class has a subobject .buf which is of the type FMatrix

Configuration Parameters of SampleSet Objects (all read-only)

Configuration Parameters of SampleSetClass Objects