Using the Search module from TCL
Before using the search, you usually have to create quite a few
objects it depends on directly or indirectly; Directly the search
only depends on the vocabulary
and the language model.
Creating a search object
Search _search _vocab _lm; # this should create a search object
Search Methods
- treeFwd: perform a tree forward search
- flatFwd: perform a flat forward search
- fullFwd: perform a flat forward search does not require a
tree pass to be performed well. This is advisable
for small vocabularies (< 300 words) and a must
for very small vocabularies (< 50 words) because
the tree-search will not work well with those.
- lattice: build lattice and perform lattice rescoring
Search _search _vocab _lm; # this should create a search object
_search treeFwd -eval test.adc; # this does the tree search for file test.adc
_search lattice; # create lattice and do trigram rescoring
Search Configuration
It's mostly the submodules of the search that are configured. The search itself
only has the following:
search configure \
-phoneInsertionPenalty 0.000000 \
-wordPenalty 0.000000 \
-silenceWordPenalty 0.150000 \
-fillerWordPenalty 0.000000 \
-use3gFwd 1 \
-verbose 1 \
-printWidth 70
Tree Forward Configuration
The Tree Forward can be configured before and after a search object has
been created: before, you can modify the creation defaults for all search
objects created lateron;
TreeFwd configure \
-beamWidth 88.00 \
-phoneBeamWidth 88.00 \
-wordBeamWidth 87.00 \
-lastPhoneBeamWidth 87.00 \
-lastPhoneBeamWidth 87.00 \
-topN 0 \
-hypoFormat {{other stderr unfiltered} {file hypo.T.all append filtered}}}
Alternatively, you can configure the tree forward after creating a Search object:
Search _search _vocab _lm; # this should create a search object
search.treeFwd configure \
-beamWidth 88.000000 \
-phoneBeamWidth 88.000000 \
-wordBeamWidth 87.000000 \
-lastPhoneBeamWidth 87.000000 \
-lastPhoneBeamWidth 87.000000 \
-topN 0 \
-hypoFormat {{other stderr unfiltered} {file hypo.T.all append filtered}}
Search Beams
The beams mean (roughly):
- beginners hint: if you are clueless, set the beamWidth to
average score for two phonemes (10 frames) for evaluations.
Set it to the average score for one phoneme for demos.
Set phoneBeamWidth and lastPhonebeamWidth to the same value
as beamWidth. Set lastPhoneAloneBeamWidht and wordBeamWidth
about 20% smaller than the other tree.
Set topN to 15% of your vocabulary size for evaluations and
to 15 (absolute) for demos.
- beamWidth: hypos with local scores that differ by more than beamWidth
from the currently best local hypo will be pruned (inactive
in next frame), unless they are currently in their last
- lastPhoneAloneBeamWidth: hypos in a last phoneme of a word will be
pruned if their local score differs by more than
lastPhoneAloneBeamWidth from the best hypo within any
last phoneme of any word. The optimum value for the
lastPhoneAloneBeamWidth is usually 20-50% smaller than
the beamWidth. This beam only exists in the tree pass.
- phoneBeamWidth: hypos that could do a phoneme transition but have
local scores that differ by more than phoneBeamWidth from
the currently best local hypo will not be allowed to do such
a transition (unless to the last phoneme of the word);
The phoneBeamWidth is usually smaller or equal compared
to the beamWidth.
- lastPhoneBeamWidth: hypos with local scores that differ by more than
lastPhoneBeamWidth from the currently best local hypo
will not be allowed ot do a transition into the last
phoneme of the word. The lastPhoneBeamWidth is usually
smaller or equal compared to the phoneBeamWidth.
- wordBeamWidth: hypos with local scores that differ by more than
wordBeamWidth from the best score in any last phoneme
are not allowed to do word transitions.
- topN: at any one time only the topN best word-ends are allowed to do
word transitions. Only those will be stored in the backtrace
and available to the next passes. For demos often values
of 10 to 20 will do.
Search Info
The search stores internal bookkeeping stuff in places where you can
get at it. The following are available as fmatrix in the
search object (after tree pass only):
- rootTrellis: number of active root trellises per frame.
- nodeTrellis: number of active non root trellises per frame.
- wordTrellis: number of active word trellises per frame.
- leafTrellis: number of active leaf trellises per frame.
- scoreCalls: number of score calls per frame.
- bestScores: score of best local hypo per frame.
- lPbestScores: score of best hypo in last phone per frame.
WARNING: the format of these is not 100% finalized. If you use
them be ready to update your scripts every now and then.
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to complete it.