The Senone Tree Module - Tcl Scripts

Converting and Fixing Janus 2 Trees

The following script is the one that was used to convert a JANUS 2 tree for the Wall Street Journal Task into a tree that can be used by JANUS 3. Since JANUS 3 tree nodes can have "don't-know-successors' for questions that can't be answered it is often impossible to define a single don't-know-secessor. Imagine the triphones A(WB,B) and A(WB,C). In JANUS 3, the tree descending procedure might end at a node where a question about the left context is asked (which can't be answered). In JANUS 2, however, the final resulting leaf of A(WB,B) and A(WB,C) were different. Then it is impossible to define one single don't-know-successor. Of course, it might be possible to append a small subtree which resolves all confused triphones, but since tree conversion is something that won't happen too often, it to be easier to simply add a biphone and monophone tree which allows any model for every biphone and every monophone. Creating such a tree (leaving the model indices initially empty) allows to fix it and thus mimic the behaviour of the JANUS 3 tree exactly.

The script contains two procedures for debugging: cntallo and showallo for counting and displaying all different word-initial-allophones. These numbers can be compared to a (bugfree) output of the search module.

if 0 {

How to create a JANUS 3 tree out of a JANUS 2 tree

1. Format conversion
create a file which mirrors the original JANUS 2 tree, it has one 
tree node per line, and the same nodes as the original tree.
Refer to the JANUS 3 tree file format specification for details.

2. If you are not using a clustering tree
run fixSTree (below) to asign to every incomplete context
the same model as if the missing context was SIL; save the
resulting stree

3. If you are using a clustering tree
a) start up with the raw JANUS 3 tree, run mkheader to create 
   a tree which contains subtrees for biphones and monophones; 
   also, modify the root nodes of your triphone tree to use 
   the names any(any,any)-[bme].

b) Concatenate the biphones subtree and the triphones tree

c) start the system up with the concatenated tree and run
   fixSTree; save the resulting stree
   NOTE: don't mind if you get many warnings about undefined
	 model indices (these are the biphone models that have
         yet to be defined. 
   NOTE: while fixing the tree you will probably get messages
	 about incorrigible triphones. You might want to check
	 if all of them contain special phonemes (like word-
	 boundaries or such). If one of the incorrigible 
	 triphones consists of regular phones only, then
	 something's wrong, complain to Ivica.

# ===========================================================
# the procedure mkheader will write the biphone and monophone
# subtrees needed to run a system with inclomplete contexts.
# The phones argument is a list of all the used monophones.
# The fileName argument is the name of the file to write.
# NOTE: The writte tree will use "any" as name of a Phones
#	object that contains all phones. Take a look at your
#	PhonesSet and (if needed) add the "any" Phones.
# ===========================================================

proc mkheader { phones fileName } {

  lappend phones "-"

  set phones1 [lrange $phones 1 999999]
  set phones0 [lrange $phones 0 [expr [llength $phones] -2]]

  set firstPhone [lindex $phones 0]

  set fp [open $fileName w]

  puts $fp "ROOT-b {-1=any} - DoKnowLeft-b DontKnowLeft-b -"
  puts $fp "ROOT-m {-1=any} - DoKnowLeft-m DontKnowLeft-m -"
  puts $fp "ROOT-e {-1=any} - DoKnowLeft-e DontKnowLeft-e -"

  puts $fp "DontKnowLeft-b {+1=any} - ask_${firstPhone}(unk,any)-b ask_${firstPhone}(unk,unk)-b -"
  puts $fp "DontKnowLeft-m {+1=any} - ask_${firstPhone}(unk,any)-m ask_${firstPhone}(unk,unk)-m -"
  puts $fp "DontKnowLeft-e {+1=any} - ask_${firstPhone}(unk,any)-e ask_${firstPhone}(unk,unk)-e -"

  puts $fp "DoKnowLeft-b {+1=any} - any(any,any)-b ask_${firstPhone}(any,unk)-b -"
  puts $fp "DoKnowLeft-m {+1=any} - any(any,any)-m ask_${firstPhone}(any,unk)-m -"
  puts $fp "DoKnowLeft-e {+1=any} - any(any,any)-e ask_${firstPhone}(any,unk)-e -"

  foreach root { b m e } {
    set thisPhone [lindex $phones 0]

    foreach nextPhone $phones1 {
      puts $fp "ask_${thisPhone}(any,unk)-$root \{0=$thisPhone\} ask_${nextPhone}(any,unk)-$root ${thisPhone}(ask_$firstPhone,any)-$root - -"
      puts $fp "ask_${thisPhone}(unk,any)-$root \{0=$thisPhone\} ask_${nextPhone}(unk,any)-$root ${thisPhone}(any,ask_$firstPhone)-$root - -"
      set thisPhone $nextPhone

    foreach phone $phones0 {
      set thisContext [lindex $phones 0]
      foreach nextContext $phones1 {
        puts $fp "${phone}(any,ask_$thisContext)-$root \{+1=$thisContext\} ${phone}(any,ask_$nextContext)-$root ${phone}($thisContext,unk)-$root - -"
        puts $fp "${phone}(ask_$thisContext,any)-$root \{-1=$thisContext\} ${phone}(ask_$nextContext,any)-$root ${phone}(unk,$thisContext)-$root - -"
        set thisContext $nextContext

    foreach phone $phones0 {
      foreach context $phones0 {
        puts $fp "${phone}($context,unk)-$root \{\} - - - undefd"
        puts $fp "${phone}(unk,$context)-$root \{\} - - - undefd"

    set thisPhone [lindex $phones 0]
    foreach nextPhone $phones1 {
      puts $fp "ask_${thisPhone}(unk,unk)-$root \{0=$thisPhone\} ask_${nextPhone}(unk,unk)-$root ${thisPhone}(unk,unk)-$root - -" 
      set thisPhone $nextPhone
    foreach phone $phones0 {
      puts $fp "${phone}(unk,unk)-$root \{\} - - - undefd"


  close $fp

# ===========================================================
# fixStree will replace the given stree-node's models; every
# node which is the end-node for an incomplete triphone (one
# or both contexts unknown) will get the model that is used
# for the triphone where the missing contexts are SIL or WB
# ===========================================================

proc fixSTree { monophones tree senones } {

  set context WB ;# or SIL (WB for non x-word, SIL for x-word)

  foreach p {b m e} {
    foreach x [$monophones] {
      foreach y [$monophones] {

	set nodeAndIndex [$tree get ROOT-$p "$x $y" -1 0 -node 1]
        set snIndex [ lindex $nodeAndIndex 0 ]
        set node    [ lindex $nodeAndIndex 1 ]

        set newIndex [$tree get ROOT-$p "$x $y $context" -1 1]
        if {$newIndex < 0} { puts "Can't correct $x $y $context"
        } else { $tree:$node configure -model $newIndex }

        set nodeAndIndex   [$tree get ROOT-$p "$x $y" 0 1 -node 1]
        set snIndex [lindex $nodeAndIndex 0]
        set node    [lindex $nodeAndIndex 1]

        set newIndex [$tree get ROOT-$p "$context $x $y" -1 1]
        if {$newIndex < 0} { puts "Can't correct $context $x $y"
        } else { $tree:$node configure -model $newIndex }
      set nodeAndIndex [$tree get ROOT-$p "$x" 0 0 -node 1]
      set snIndex [ lindex $nodeAndIndex 0 ]
      set node    [ lindex $nodeAndIndex 1 ]

      set newIndex [$tree get ROOT-$p "$context $x $context" -1 1]
      if {$newIndex < 0} { puts "Can't correct $context $x $context"
      } else { $tree:$node configure -model $newIndex }

# ===========================================================
# the following procedure counts the number of different 
# allophones that can be at the beginning of a word, given
# a dictionary an a senone tree
# ===========================================================

proc cntallo { dict stree } {
  set wordN [llength [$dict]]
  for { set wordX 0 } { $wordX < $wordN } { incr wordX } {
    set phones [lrange [$dict.phones name [lindex [$dict.item($wordX)] 1]] 0 1]
    if { [llength $phones] == 1 } { set to 0 } else { set to 1 }
    set allo([$stree get ROOT-b $phones 0 $to],[$stree get ROOT-m $phones 0 $to],[$stree get ROOT-e $phones 0 $to]) 1
  return [array size allo]

# ===========================================================
# the following procedure prints out all words together with
# their initial allophone; can be used to campare to JANUSV2
# ===========================================================

proc showallo { dict stree file } {
  set wordN [llength [$dict]]
  for { set wordX 0 } { $wordX < $wordN } { incr wordX } {
    set phones [lrange [$dict.phones name [lindex [$dict.item($wordX)] 1]] 0 1]
    if { [llength $phones] == 1 } { set to 0 } else { set to 1 }
    set begX [$stree get ROOT-b $phones 0 $to]
    set midX [$stree get ROOT-m $phones 0 $to]
    set endX [$stree get ROOT-e $phones 0 $to]

    if { $begX < 0 } { set beg "(none)" } else { set beg [lindex [$stree.senoneSet.item($begX)] 0] }
    if { $midX < 0 } { set mid "(none)" } else { set mid [lindex [$stree.senoneSet.item($midX)] 0] }
    if { $endX < 0 } { set end "(none)" } else { set end [lindex [$stree.senoneSet.item($endX)] 0] }

    puts $file "[lindex [$dict.item($wordX)] 0] = $beg $mid $end"