The following list of topics is a basic study list of things you should
review for the final
exam. The final will consist of 10 questions (10 pts each). The questions
will be written in a
similar format as you've seen on the midterm exams. NOTE: The list below
contains more
items than you will see on the exam, but the topics of the exam will focus on
some subset
of these items.
History of Computing, famous people and their contributions - Babbage,
Hollerith, von Neumann, Moore, Hopper, Turing, Dijkstra
Algorithms - tracing an algorithm, converting an algorithm to a flowchart,
reading a flowchart to analyze an algorithm, completing a missing step in a
Data structures - how a stack and queue work, how to build a binary search
tree, how to build a heap, how to store a graph
Programming Languages - how a compiler works, EBNF notation, understanding
and writing Prolog statements
Algorithmic Techniques - tracing a recursive computation, building and using
Huffman trees, shortest path in a graph
Correctness and efficiency - using invariants to show a loop is correct,
using induction, big O notation, comparing sorting algorithms (bubble vs. merge)
Tractability and Undecidability - satisfiability, map coloring, traveling
salesperson, P vs. NP, word correspondence problem, undecidability
Universal Computing - Analyzing a simple Turing machine that solves a
computational problem
Parallel and Distributed Computing - determining the sequence of operations in a
parallel system to achieve a given result, the effect of parallel computation
on the
notion of computability, pipelining, how operating systems multitask, the
principle of
Cryptography - Caesar cipher, public key systems: being able to encrypt or
decrypt a simple message with signatures
Artificial Intelligence - Turing test, describing the size of a game tree for
a given two-player game, the difference between a heuristic and an algorithm