15-105 SPRING 2009 [CORTINA]

HOMEWORK 10 - due Wednesday, April 22


Hand these problems in on paper in class on the due date specified.

  1. (1.5 pts) A parallel processor has three processors, each running a computation at the same time that includes the following instructions which all reference the same variable X. No other instruction changes the variable X. (^ represents exponentiation: X^3 means X3.)

    PROCESSOR 1        PROCESSOR 2         PROCESSOR 3
    -----------        -----------         -----------
     :                  :                   :
     :                  :                   :
    X <-- X + 3        X <-- X * 3         X <-- X ^ 3
     :                  :                   :
     :                  :                   :

    1. Assuming that each instruction is "atomic", how many different outcomes can we have for the variable X after all processors are finished? (Remember, each processor may not get to its specified instruction at the same time.)

    2. What is the final value of X for each of the possible outcomes from part (a) assuming X starts out with the value 2 before the processors compute in parallel?

    3. What does it mean for an instruction to be "atomic"?

  2. (1 pt) A computation on a single processor takes 8 minutes (480 seconds).

    1. If this computation were performed on a parallel processor with 12 processors of the same speed as the original single processor, what is the fastest this computation could be performed, ignoring any overhead required to split the computation to run in parallel? Explain your answer.

    2. If 1/4 of this computation must be performed sequentially (i.e. not in parallel), how long will this computation take according to Amdahl's Law on a parallel processor with 12 processors of the same speed as the original single processor? Show your work.

  3. (1 pt) At a furniture factory, a bookcase is manufactured using the following four steps in sequence:

    1. Cut the wood pieces (30 minutes) 
    2. Sand and stain the wood pieces (50 minutes) 
    3. Drill pilot holes for all screws (10 minutes) 
    4. Screw pieces together to assemble bookcase (20 minutes) 

    1. If one bookcase is made at a time, and the factory wants to make 600 bookcases, how many minutes would it take to complete this task?

    2. If the factory utilized pipelining and had four work stations, one for each step above, how many minutes would it take to complete this task? Show your work.

  4. (1 pt) In class, we saw how a pipeline can be used to perform matrix multiplication. Suppose we want to compute the average for a class of 1000 students and the class consists of 10 graded items. Each multiply-add operation is one multiplication and one addition.

    1. How many muliply-add operations are required to compute the results sequentially without pipelining?

    2. If we use pipelining, how many multiply-add operations do we save? Explain your answer.

  5. (1.5 pts) A computational unit for a concurrent network is shown below. Its top output is the sum of its inputs. Its bottom output is the difference of its inputs. The concurrent network also shown below is made up of 12 of these computational units. (A network like this is used to compute the Fast Fourier Transform, which is used in applications such as digital signal processing for music.)

    A single computational unit.

    A network of computational units.

    1. Using the data shown at the left, what is the data that will be stored at the right? Show your work.

    2. If each computational unit takes time t to compute its output, how long does it take to compute the final output of this network concurrently? Explain.

    3. If we wanted to use this network for 10 sets of 8 data values, what is the minimum amount of time that it will take to compute the final output for all 10 sets of data based on your answer in part (b)? (HINT: Think pipelining!)

  6. (2 pts) In class, we discussed a situation called deadlock which can cause a system to stop functioning.

    1. Consider a main road (shown running left to right) with two side roads. All roads have single lanes in each direction.

      Explain how deadlock can occur on the main road. Draw a picture to help illustrate your answer.

    2. Consider two programs running simultaneously, each wanting access to the same two databases. When a program accesses one database, it locks it so another program cannot use it. Once the program is done using the database, it unlocks the database. If a program tries to access a database and it is locked, it waits until it is unlocked. Explain how deadlock can occur for these two programs.


Hand this in electronically using the Electronic Handin System by 11:59PM on the due date indicated.

Last week, you started work on the Line 'Em Up game which consists of a 3 X 6 grid of circles of 6 colors, 3 of each. The goal is to rotate the lights horizontally and vertically until every column has a light of a single color. A sample game board is shown below. Note that there is an extra row and column in the game window.

In this problem, you will complete the Python program so it plays the game correctly. Start with the following Python program (right-click HERE for a copy on your computer):

# lineemup.py
# Program that plays a Line 'Em Up game

from graphics import *

def main():
	filename = raw_input("Input name of data file: ")
	window = GraphWin("Line 'Em Up", 350, 200)

	colorarray = initialize_array(filename)
	game_over = False
	while game_over == False:
		p = window.getMouse()
		column = p.getX()/50  # compute column where player clicked
		row = p.getY()/50     # compute row where player clicked
		update_array(colorarray, row, column)
		game_over = check_for_winner(colorarray)
	print "GAME OVER"
	raw_input("Press <ENTER> to quit.")

def initialize_array(filename):
	infile = open(filename, "r")
	colorarray = []
	for i in range(3):
	for row in range(3):
		for column in range(6):
			colorvalue = eval(infile.readline())
	return colorarray

def draw_lines(window):
	for i in range(6):
		line = Line(Point(50*(i+1),0),Point(50*(i+1),200))
	for j in range(3):
		line = Line(Point(0,50*(j+1)),Point(350,50*(j+1)))

def display_circles(window,colorarray):
	colors = ["blue","green","cyan","red","magenta","yellow"]
	for row in range(3):
		for column in range(6):
			center = Point(column*50+25,row*50+25)
			circ = Circle(center,20)

def update_array(colorarray,row,column):
	# to be completed by you
	return	# remove this line when you complete this function

def check_for_winner(colorarray):
	# to be completed by you
	return False   # remove this line when you complete this function


When the player clicks in one of the first six empty boxes along the bottom, you will rotate that column of the board one position UP (moving the first color into the last position of that column). When the player clicks in one of the first three empty boxes along the right, you will rotate that row of the board one position to the LEFT (moving the first color into the last position of that row). Nothing happens if a player clicks the empty box in the bottom right or on any box with a circle.

You will need to complete the two functions: update_array and check_for_winner.

The update_array function follows the following algorithm (read carefully):

1. If row = 3 and column ≠ 6 do the following:
   a. Set temp equal to colorarray[0][column].
   b. For i in the range 0 to 1, do the following:
      i. Copy colorarray[i+1][column] into colorarray[i][column].
   c. Set colorarray[2][column] equal to temp.
2. If column = 6 and row ≠ 3 do the following:
   a. Set temp equal to colorarray[row][0].
   b. For i in the range 0 to 4, do the following:
      i. Copy colorarray[row][i+1] into colorarray[row][i].
   c. Set colorarray[row][5] equal to temp.

The check_for_winner function should return True if each column contains only one color. Use this algorithm:

1. Set column = 0.
2. While column < 6, do the following:
   a. If colorarray[0][column] ≠ colorarray[1][column], return False immediately.
   b. If colorarray[1][column] ≠ colorarray[2][column], return False immediately.
   c. Add 1 to column.
3. Return True.

NOTE: When you use the return instruction in a function in Python, it returns immediately to the calling function without completing the rest of the current function.

Use the data file from homework 9 to test your game.