15-105 SPRING 2009 [CORTINA]

HOMEWORK 11 - due Friday, May 1


Hand these problems in on paper in class on the due date specified.

  1. (1 pt)

    1. Encode the message "CHEYENNE WYOMING" using a Caesar cipher with a shift of +8.

    2. Decode the message "ZKZM STQHMF" that was encoded using a Caesar cipher and give the shift value that was used to encode the message. HINT: The first word contains 2 vowels.

  2. (1 pt) Consider the following public encryption rules for messages used by Alice, Bob and Carol:

    	A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    	encodes to:
    	Z A Y B X C W D V E U F T G S H R I Q J P K O L N M
    	A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    	encodes to:
    	Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M
    	A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    	encodes to:
    	M L P N K O B J I V H U C G Y X F T Z D R S E A W Q

    The private decryption rules are just the inverses of the encryptions shown above.

    1. Alice wants to send the message "MEET ME AT SEVEN" to Bob without a signature. What message does she send to Bob?

    2. Carol wants to send the message "MEET ME AT EIGHT" to Bob so that Bob knows it came from her. What message should Carol send to Bob?

  3. (1 pt)

    The Loebner Prize for Artificial Intelligence was awarded in 2008 to Fred Roberts and Artificial Solutions. They created an online "bot" called Elbot. Hold a conversation with Elbot and describe some of its responses to your comments and questions. How well did it simulate intellect in your opinion? Were some answers better than others? Give an example.

  4. (2 pts) In the game of Connect Four, the play area consists of a vertical grid of 6 rows and 7 columns. Players alternate turns, dropping a single checker into one of the columns. The checker will slide down as far as it can go. The object is to be the first player to get four checkers in a straight line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). We wish to build a game tree that analyzes all the available moves in the game to find the best move.

    1. Starting with a root node that represents an empty grid, how many nodes will be on the first level of the game tree below the root?

    2. How many nodes will be at the second level of the game tree below the root?

    3. At what level would the first leaf of the game tree occur? Why?

    4. Why would a computer use a heuristic to determine its move rather than a game tree?


Hand this in electronically using the Electronic Handin System by 11:59PM on the due date indicated.

Write a complete Python program that reads in 20 exam scores from a file, sorts these grades into increasing order, and displays a bar graph in a 300 X 300 window showing the grades in increasing order as vertical bars (alternating yellow and green, starting with yellow) where each bar's height is proportional to the corresponding grade along with a blue horizontal line that shows the average grade. The grades are stored one per line in the file. All grades are between 0 and 100. A sample result is shown below (the blue line is the average):

Sample data file: examdata.txt

Here is a main function for you to start with:

def main():
        win = GraphWin("Exam Grade Display", 300, 300)
        filename = raw_input("Input filename: ")
        grades = readGrades(filename)
        grades = sort(grades)
        average = computeAvg(grades)
        drawBars(win, grades)
        drawLine(win, average)
        print grades
        print "AVERAGE =", average
        raw_input("Press ENTER to quit.")

Write separate functions for each of the following steps: